I kinda penalize some of these new school players because of their cast. Maybe I’m glorifying the past but I think dikk and James could do really well in new school BB. Paul’s cast in BB19, for example, is probably the worst assortment of players I’ve ever seen. BB20 is better but still lacking compared to older seasons— the only decent player in the alliance that was opposition to Tyler is Hayleigh. Fessy, Bayleigh, and the rest were terrible.
That's why i always say Tyler's BB20 game wasn't that impressive to me. Imo your only as good as your competition. We really gonna act like FOUTTE wasn't one of the worst groups to ever play the game? They won HOH like every other week, and still voted out their own alliance members

Hayleigh. Fessy, Bayleigh were bad to. Hayleigh just got a edit on episodes that made her seem she knew things that were happening in the house. Bayleigh won a power and immediately told Rachel of all people

Fessy was JC's puppet and could never pin together "who flipped"

Level 6 was also locked solid from the start (idk why they trusted each other so much early on but

). I give credit to Tylerfor setting himself up well pretty early in the game. But for him to pretty much stop playing in the end, and get into a showmance so late in the game was dumb. People can say bitter jury all they want. I say he could of had better jury management. I've never seen the footage but if i recall correctly he told Bay he didn't need her vote. Shyt came full circle in the end.
Also Danielle Reyes, Paul, Vanessa, Jun is about right. Tyler is better than the others though. ED was practically rigged to win (would never win modern BB the way he played in BB8), and James Rhine is cool but not in that tier imo. Everyone has their own opinion, i love hearing thecoli's. Reddit could be so so sometimes.