Biden's plan to stop gang violence :mjpls:


Oct 3, 2014
Y'all really believe a Caucasian man is about to fix a problem that would directly impede the prison industrial complex, which in itself props up the US economy and lines the elites pockets?

The only ones who can stop gang violence and get our communities back in order are us. Hoping and praying the white man swoops down and saves you from your plight is a waste of time.

Why would you even want them to have the opportunity to get credit for saving you from a condition that they put you in? Doesn't make sense


Feb 12, 2015
And you have the other political party giving eulogies to KKK members, calling them "an icon"


The same dude Biden is holding hands with


I'm legit confused why people aren't outraged and BOTH Democratic and Republican parties :jbhmm:

Sure Democrats suck but damn near anything is better than Trump.

Funny story. Today I saw a bird shyt on my neighbor’s car. I thought that if somebody were to pick that up and smear it on a ballot, it would be a better president than we have today.

It’s like that never ending “still beat” loop when chicks trying to juelz about dudes after they fukked.

His dikk was wack. “Still beat”
He smelled. “Still beat.”
He got yuck mouf. “Still beat”

That’s how this Trump shyt works. Biden is a piece o shyt. But even dried pigeon shyt is better than what we have now. THATS HOW LOW he placed the bar.

“B-but both sides” Still better.
”A piece of tofu?!” Still better.
“Hillary?!” Still better.
“Obama?!” Still better.
”Piece of shyt?!” Still better.
“Bombaclot.” Still better.
“COVID phlegm?” Still better.
“Jada Pinkett?!” Still better.
“GEORGE BUSH?!” (This is how bad it is...still better).

But feel free to do u boo. Who are u voting for in Nov?

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
all i know is less policing won't help none
It might. What we've been trying isn't working. Why aren't Asian gangs, Italian gangs, and Eastern European gangs as big anymore? Because those groups were accepted into the mainstream. Their communities were allowed to thrive instead of being aggressively policed. Job opportunities were opened up, funding pools became accessible.

Its rare for a child who has two parents who work reasonable hours and is involved in something that builds his self esteem(sports, music, academia) to join a gang. People who join gangs tend to be low income looking for fast money, scared of people in their neighborhood, and looking for a sense of community and identity. The gang meets all those needs. You're never afraid if you know that someone will avenge you if you're hurt or disrespected.
Oct 22, 2017
Golden Era/Drama free Zone
It might. What we've been trying isn't working. Why aren't Asian gangs, Italian gangs, and Eastern European gangs as big anymore? Because those groups were accepted into the mainstream. Their communities were allowed to thrive instead of being aggressively policed. Job opportunities were opened up, funding pools became accessible.

Its rare for a child who has two parents who work reasonable hours and is involved in something that builds his self esteem(sports, music, academia) to join a gang. People who join gangs tend to be low income looking for fast money, scared of people in their neighborhood, and looking for a sense of community and identity. The gang meets all those needs. You're never afraid if you know that someone will avenge you if you're hurt or disrespected.

i was listening to the Glenn podcast and some academic cac said that a prominent determining factor in high crime rates is usually the number of black people who reside in an area

Now, as a non emotional black person I'm personally not offended by such statements, especially if its accurate.

but theres alot of us in this country and on this very forum who prefer to plug our ears when it comes to info like that

you can't get anymore mainstream than Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey and Jay Z, we been the face of mainstream America for decades

theres other things at play here, and I think it has everything to do with CULTURE.

Asian youth have Confucius

Our youth has NBA youngboy





Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012

i was listening to the Glenn podcast and some academic cac said that a prominent determining factor in high crime rates is usually the number of black people who reside in an area

Now, as a non emotional black person I'm personally not offended by such statements, especially if its accurate.

but theres alot of us in this country and on this very forum who prefer to plug our ears when it comes to info like that

you can't get anymore mainstream than Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey and Jay Z, we been the face of mainstream America for decades

theres other things at play here, and I think it has everything to do with CULTURE

Those are poor examples. Here's the thing: we can't just be good, we have to be EXCEPTIONAL. We have to be so fukking good that they just cannot deny us. White people often point to a small group of successful black people and say "if they can make it whats your excuse?" Most people on earth will never get to an MJ level because doing so requires a perfect blend of talent, work ethic, support, and luck.

Kids emulate people they see as being successful relatively easily. Its why so many young people want to be influencers now. In a hood, you see a kid going from being a lookout to a d boy in less than 5 years. Meanwhile you're in school with a teacher who couldn't be bothered to give a shyt, students who cannot connect the material being presented to them to their real lives, and you may or may not be getting threatened and robbed by people in a gang while you're trying to mind your business. Eventually it seems rational to join a gang so you can make some money, be somebody and protect your friends and family.

The police aint coming in there to protect anyone, they're coming in to meet arrest quotas and justify the funding they recieve. They're not trying to prevent crime, just respond to it.