First off:
nice way to start off the debate
second off: that particular plant grows in a dark damp environment where there is not enough sunlight to live off. it evolved to survive.
third off: not having chlorophyll does not automatically make a plant turn white.
These plants I've showed lack chlorophyll am I right or am I making that up?
fourth off: all humans need each other to survive. We need this planet to survive and we're destroying it in the process. sounds parasitic to me.
Black people never needed white people until they showed up. Originally and to this day they live off the original people in every way you can think of. Yeah a lot of blacks today specifically so called african americans, depend on white people for a lot, but we all know why now don't we?
fifth off: Melanin in humans has nothing to do with photosynthesis or plants, and white people still have melanin, just less of it. They aren't devoid of it.
I see you didn't pick up the point I was trying to make. 2 people dapped me so they understand. I know white people have melanin. Doesn't change the fact that they are the last stage of the original people. Not an evolution like racist white "scientist" like to say but a mutation.
sixth off: you're a fukking moron
name calling is a sign that you know I'm right. Regardless of how "nice" white people appear to be(and there are some good ones)it won't change who they are. Devil. Dualities is found all throughout the universe and the human is no exception. You claim you don't like religion but when you can't point to who the manifestation of the devil is(or god for that matter), yet you automatically believe that the devil is a mystery ghost just like people of religion.