Magnus Warhol
Black + White = Love
This was a very interesting video. The premise is that the stories in the Old Testament (such as the Exodus) could not have occurred by white people, because the loss of melanin would not have protected the hebrew people from walking in the desert for years. They would have all been burned by the sun. The conclusion is that if the stories of the bible did occur, it was played out by dark-skinned people who would have had the specific set of genes to protect them from the sun (such as the pigment melanin). However, the video fails to mention that olive skin does have the mechanism to protect from the sun, and most people of today recognize that white skin has nothing to do with the Old Testament but was inserted into the story by the Europeans and Hollywood.
I did not quite understand the Wheat/Weed analogy. The Wheat is black people and the Weed is white people. Is that correct?