now we're having a different discussion. So are you saying. go ahead and tell pookie and mercedes to move out of watts so we can make room to build businesses there. and then tell downtown to provide a couple of low-income places for these two to stay in?This is accurate. However, the funding could be used to subsidize low income family in newly gentrified areas. Downtown is currently being gentrified for example. That is a perfect place to place these people.
now if you do that. and there a lot of pookies, mercedes coming into a newly gentrified area. those two will start to break into cars, break into houses,have their friends over blowing big herb where the entire neighborhood can smell it. and just hanging out looking like Thug city.
now with all that said. i agree with the idea that to actually make it better. you have to teach the lowest of the low how to take care of things around them. because they've been in such bad shape for so long. they have the "i dont care" mentality. and that has to go away as a part of the deal. but to do that you cant just tell people to keep your city clean. you have to show them. to do that you have to put the hoodies with the middle class, with some upper class aka Mix residents.
but when you do that. the middle and upper get the bad end of the stick. cause it takes years to develop a new way of thinking. so those firs tfew years will be hell for the non hood tenants. will they take that hell while also paying $2800 for a 1 bed 1 bath under 1200 sqft? maybe....maybe not. this is the part where all americans need to suck it up. see its easier for me to suck it up cause i was born and raised in the hood. but even me. i was in the hood but wasnt OF the hood so to speak. i always felt i was in the wrong place. Cause i wasnt with the foolishness for foolish sake .. of the hood. it just didnt compute with me. even as a little kid. just fighting someone ...just cause. stealing something from the local store not cause you're broke. but just cause...those are hoodisms. and when i say hood it aint just black folks. broke people in all colors act pretty much the same when you throw then into a poor area together. asians start and join gangs, sell drugs and bother the innocent just like blacks and latinos and whites.if you dont think white people have the same issue. look no further then mark wahlberg. everything about that guy thru all the money and all the fame. dude still acts like a hood boy from boston. he's the white 50cent. you cant clean off all that hood.