nikka black people in LA aren't even doing damage like that, it's the mexicans doing most of the killing. Like some people have stated many have since moved to the burbs, but those in watts really have it bad, I mean its the worst of the worst, and that grant should be going to them, not hollywood.
why do you people think hollywood needs ANY assistance if they've already had their straps fastened and walking.
we're giving financial help to upper middle class and that's A-OK? Bailing out private banks is too huh?
did you read the long posts of article i put up above? if not, read it.
lets discuss why watts cant do much with that money.
#1 watts doesnt have a lot of places to work. there are not a lot of room for businesses to even move in if they wanted to. so the only way they could move in. is to do what? KICK PEOPLE OUT (imminent domain)
L.A. is a weird setup when it comes to jobs(which is the lifeblood of any area).
And i'll include the valley in this discussion as Greater los angeles.
here's the business/job hubs(desk jobs/tech jobs/ engineering/ insurance industry(all insurances), entertainment, factory work, food services, grocery store work, etc)
off the top of my head.
Woodland hills(everything)
Encino (desk jobs)
Northridge (some desk jobs, food services, light industrial)
Van nuys (more food services/some factory)
Burbank/Studio city(its called studio city for a reason)-entertainment + everything
^thats the valley for the most part.
Now lets get over the hill
Downtown-Corporate america/ Factories(not nearly as many as their use to be)
some of these promise zone areas are hubs for local business. they have strip malls galore. where you will have you a few places to eat, by toys for your kids, get a lawyer, get your taxes done, cleaners, etc." koreatown basically.
the reason they setup like this is because they are foreign to this country. they feel the need to setup their own little thing so they can be self sufficient to some degree. and they assume their own wont take advantage of the fact they dont know the language well or the landscape. but we know thats not true. your own will do you dirtier then someone else. because your own knows your weakness. but thats another discussion.
now after downtown going south. you have the westside (from santa monica, century city, venice, culver city. all sorts of businesses from entertainment to corporate america to light industrial.)
then you have to go a very long way to see any job hubs. if you start going east you wont find anything. its just residential. sure you have a chipotle here, a mcdonalds there. but thats about it.
you have to go further south to the south bay in order to find more factory/corporate/engineering/ jobs.
all that space south of the downtown and north of the south bay and west of the "westside" is a NO JOB zone if you ask me. its that bad. and has always been like that. well at least since the 70's once those car factories were closed down.(thats at least what the old heads told me).
watts has no where to work. and they dont have any room to place businesses around them where they can make more then burger flipping money. So putting money into watts like we think. wont work. the truth is. to make watts into something really nice. you would literally have to take a large batch of people and say here's some money, go move else where. cause we're about to blow up this entire 5 mile radius. and start from scratch and make watts a jobs hub.
but if you do that. here comes gentrification.
obama doesnt want to throw money at watts and then watch it all go to waste. cause thats what would happen. they would try some things and 99.9% of them wouldnt work in the long run. and some repub white guy would swear he threw that money away on his "OWN KIND" and it didnt work. which will be more proof helping us doesnt actually work.
watts needs a lot more then just money.