to truly appreciate great pizza one must’ve experienced the whole spectrum of pizza quality
a competitor is s good thing. Didn’t Microsoft just partner with Activision and aren’t there rumors of a Sony/GTA 6 partnership?
if EA had me heading the department to oversee development of this game I would start like this
hyper-realistic graphics
placement revenue from automanufacturers who want to be featured and to have ad - this will mean something stupid like cars can’t be depicted as damaged or in a negative light. oh well
we probably already have these companies on the line for Need for Speed, we will need some of that team and sone of the Godfather team
we‘re going to sell real world advertisements in game and in the online experience
^ bam that’s revenue
next … setting is a small highly detailed town that is well-populated but surrounded by vast openness (think something like Barstow or Baker, CA. we compete with Rockstar by infringing on their market share, offering more bang for buck in online experience and delivering in an annualized cycle.
borrow physics players are familiar with via Madden
somebody get EA on the line, I’ll highly motivated to get this done so I will give you 20%
the idea is to take revenue on annualized basis while Rockstar tends to it’s 10 year product cycle