Imma go with the guy with the gold medal 

True but giving average wrestlers like Jeff Jarrett and Mr. Anderson the best matches of their careers is more impressive.Jericho had great matches in 2 companies in 2 different stages of his career too
True but giving average wrestlers like Jeff Jarrett and Mr. Anderson the best matches of their careers is more impressive.
Will forever think Angle the wrestling skills are overrated by thats for another day, Jericho has a lot of classic matches to his name too & is still performing at a high level to this dayAt what? It can't be wrestling because Angle was a machine in his prime. Jericho was superior when it came to mic skills and personality. Angle was having great matches in 2 different companies in 2 different stages of his career.
TNA matches are most of his best shyt. As batshyt insane as it was or could be at times.Angle too bad he did all of his craziest shyt in TNA which I didn't watch