BET Hip-Hop Awards and racist, genocidal lifestyle promotion-Dr. Boyce Watkins

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
One, music is expression. People can talk about what they want to talk about, it's not up to me to censor what people want to talk about. The only thing I can do is pick and choose what I choose to listen to.

The labels are in it for the money and it's up to the people to dictate what sells.

Two, living in the ghetto does not mean your parents were pos' that lost at life :camby:. You say that shyt like you make over 100 racks. Average person regardless of race makes 32K.

Everyone in the ghetto ain't bums, some just don't make enough to leave and with hiring practices in America, it's hard for some blacks to move up.

And I don't know many who claimed the ghetto that wasn't from a ghetto,

Music is expression, not all expression is good. Some expressions have repurcussions, same as free speech.

Unfortunately, if we choose to form communities and societies, we have to curtail some freedoms within reason.

But I've been distracted...the point was...why would we be OK with anyone apart of our community glorifying negativity?

The big picture is, if you live in poverty or a ghetto you lost at capitalism. I digress from stating all inhabitants of the ghetto are losers. As some are disabled and some are like C Murder, millionaires and choose to live in the ghetto.

The majority lost at education and capitalism and thus are losers. Time to stop p*ssy footing around and hold losers responsible. Including our parents. Fourteen years of my early life...we lived in the ghetto. My parents were uneducated. Not so hard to admit.

And :stopitslime: you don't recall peeps lying about being from the hood?

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Bold is the problem with too many on here and people in general period. Its not either you get out or you sell drugs. Like I said if that's the case which one are you? You a dealer or you made it out? Ask everybody else the same question too and see their responses. Its a middle ground where you just live like most people average. Working your 9to5 come home pay your pills, take care of your family, all the other things most people normally do that aren't at either end if the extremes you see here

You're correct, there is a very large middle ground

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
I disagree with the bolded. There was porn and violence drawn on cave walls. Singling out hiphop as some anomaly, is only a way to demonize young black faces and place the blame on them.

I'm all for advocating positive images, but I disagree with limiting peoples freedom to create/consume whatever type of images they want.

I'm saying we have always had negativity on display, same as you. Though hip hop seems to be the best yet.

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Hip hop in 2015 is designed for the lowest common denominator. U have to be fukking brain dead to listen to most of the bullshyt put out today, and that's how it's supposed to be. It's for stupid people. There are more stupids than smarts so, supply & demand, put their ass to work at the bottom of the pyramid where they belong and give em a lil soundtrack that describes the idiotic shyt they do to themselves and others.

U shouldn't need a nikka in a bowtie n horn-rimmed glasses at a podium to tell u not to shoot someone or sell drugs that will lead u directly into the penal system in 2015. Back in the day, these were the fools that would be liquidated in some bullshyt war or armed conflict thru the draft, but now there's a huge surplus of these mouth breathers.

Unless u want a nikka with the IQ of Chief Keef helping write legislation and manage Fortune 500 companies. In that case, here's some new bangin tracks from OT Genasis...

My eyes opened to this only recently as prior I wanted to save everyone. When the world is almost about pyramids.

As you said, the majority of people are meant to be the base of the pyramid. So I'm really going against my own interests by trying to get more to the top.


Staff member
May 14, 2012
Music is expression, not all expression is good. Some expressions have repurcussions, same as free speech.

Unfortunately, if we choose to form communities and societies, we have to curtail some freedoms within reason.

But I've been distracted...the point was...why would we be OK with anyone apart of our community glorifying negativity?

The big picture is, if you live in poverty or a ghetto you lost at capitalism. I digress from stating all inhabitants of the ghetto are losers. As some are disabled and some are like C Murder, millionaires and choose to live in the ghetto.

The majority lost at education and capitalism and thus are losers. Time to stop p*ssy footing around and hold losers responsible. Including our parents. Fourteen years of my early life...we lived in the ghetto. My parents were uneducated. Not so hard to admit.

And :stopitslime: you don't recall peeps lying about being from the hood?

Who makes you or any of these nikkas on here an authority on a community and a society? Y'all don't even make enough money to influence the people closest to y'all.

It's not about being okay with someone glorifying anything, it's that no one has the right to police anyone. The only thing you can CHOOSE to do is align yourself to those who viewpoints on life mirrors yours and choosing to be around like minded people.

And I don't know what planet you're from but black people shyt on losers everyday, from denigrating single mothers and absentee fathers. People call out gang members too but y'all don't talk about that, y'all think everyone living in the ghetto is cool with the status quo. Y'all stereotype black people as much as a racist whites.

If you live in poverty or a ghetto does not mean you've failed, many people in the hood WORK. Everyone isn't getting Section 8, welfare, or are living in public housing. They just don't make enough to live in better areas. The average black male makes $680 a week. Average black female makes $667 a week. 95% of black people have failed then. We also don't have enough businesses to hire each other when economic downturns happen.

The fact is, the system is not designed for black people to succeed and only a few can make it and create generational wealth, not getting a job or a career, generational wealth. Hell most people of any race aren't creating generational wealth.

Like I said you're talking like you make over a 100 racks. Too many people like you are a generation off of food stamps but want to look down on those who have not made it.

And no, everyone I went to grammar school and high school with were from poor areas, there was no dudes coming to the Washington Park area trying to claim that shyt.

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Who makes you or any of these nikkas on here an authority on a community and a society? Y'all don't even make enough money to influence the people closest to y'all.

It's not about being okay with someone glorifying anything, it's that no one has the right to police anyone. The only thing you can CHOOSE to do is align yourself to those who viewpoints on life mirrors yours and choosing to be around like minded people.

And I don't know what planet you're from but black people shyt on losers everyday, from denigrating single mothers and absentee fathers. People call out gang members too but y'all don't talk about that, y'all think everyone living in the ghetto is cool with the status quo. Y'all stereotype black people as much as a racist whites.

If you live in poverty or a ghetto does not mean you've failed, many people in the hood WORK. Everyone isn't getting Section 8, welfare, or are living in public housing. They just don't make enough to live in better areas. The average black male makes $680 a week. Average black female makes $667 a week. 95% of black people have failed then. We also don't have enough businesses to hire each other when economic downturns happen.

The fact is, the system is not designed for black people to succeed and only a few can make it and create generational wealth, not getting a job or a career, generational wealth. Hell most people of any race aren't creating generational wealth.

Like I said you're talking like you make over a 100 racks. Too many people like you are a generation off of food stamps but want to look down on those who have not made it.

And no, everyone I went to grammar school and high school with were from poor areas, there was no dudes coming to the Washington Park area trying to claim that shyt.

That's where we fall for the film flam. Indeed you are supposed to be able to tell someone in your group when they're out of line.

A free for all is chaos and chaos is hell.

Any successful group has a strict code. Same way we've begun saying our community needs a code. As we see what any and everyone saying what they want gets us.

If we shyt on losers...a lot of athletes, artists, etc., wouldn't have the status they have. A lot of the music wouldn't sell. Those demons would be too ashamed to vocalize their demons. We would not had that period where every rapper was bragging about being shot. Would not have these people proudly displaying their ignorance on television or youtube.

We glorify ignorance much louder than the few who criticize it. are unfamiliar with people lying about being from the hood. Biggie, Jadakiss, Prodigy, were abnormalities.

I digress ed on everyone in the hood being losers.

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015

My eyes opened to this only recently as prior I wanted to save everyone. When the world is almost about pyramids.

As you said, the majority of people are meant to be the base of the pyramid. So I'm really going against my own interests by trying to get more to the top.
Man, shyt is hard when u realize this. Dudes'll let jealousy n envy n childish emotions overtake em, so u ignore that n try to encourage mfers to keep they eyes on the prize, and they still try to knock u. Eventually self preservation kicks in and u start using ur intelligence instead of ur heart. U realize mfers are destined for their slot in life and it is what it is. Like one dude had said, the shepherd takes his flock to the mountain and looks down and realizes he's not a sheep.


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
Guns, drugs, poverty, parenting, are all symptoms. WHY would we be OK with glorifying the symptoms

As he admitted, some of us simply dont see anything wrong with us glorifying and promoting our own genocide. Some of us DO see it as "just entertainment". I did too at one time but i woke up. He knows that gangs and guns are a huge problem in Chicago, yet he doesn't see anything wrong with sounds and images that promotes the gang lifestyle and guns as being "cool".
Also, once you gain a firm understand of "media propaganda" as a tool of white supremacy, it'll dawn on you as to why the majority of mainstream hiphop promotes a destructive and criminal lifestyle. Right now if you bring up media propaganda to these dudes, they'll call u a "conspiricist". Thats how well the white man has conditioned us. Alot of us are unaware when it comes to the tactics of oppression used throughout history by the white man to gain control of our minds. :salute: Boyce for waking up the masses
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Somewhere For Me

All Star
Feb 17, 2015
you sound like a 50 year old cac that watches bill oreily right there.

i (along with millions of others of all races/ethnicity) was listening to dmx, method man, nas, jarule, snoop etc. when i was 12, i turned out fine and so do most people. how do you know its the parents and not other peers or other influences like books, the news, the neighborhood environment or their school environment? additionally, everyone is free to decide their own path through life and thats all there is to it. a parent can only do so much. i assume you lived in the same household and followed the kids around 24/7 to form your ignorant opinion.

Hasn't it been proven that White American youth are the biggest consumers of rap (I'm talking that gangsta rap) and mainstream hip-hop anyway?

Therefore, aren't they getting influenced the most? I mean come on, who's doing the most with these mass shootings and campus rapes? Hmm?

I'm honestly getting sick and tired of people wanting to attack hip-hop, rap all of the sudden.

Oh yeah, it's fine when Johnny Cash singed about killing a man just to watch him die (THAT"S SO BADASS! TEEHEE!) or Eric Clapton shooting the sheriff (YEAH! STICK IT TO THE MAN!). It's fine when this nation gets a hard on for nuking the Middle East (MUH FREEDOM! MUH 'MERICA!) or keeping an unchecked second amendment to protect itself from "dangerous" Black males (THE UNCOMFORTABLY!). However, it's not fine to be straight out of Compton or resort to violence when you move in silence when you're a Black male hip-hop head...

Black male: "This story being told in this rap song speaks to me."


Black male: "But, this is my environment. It tells my story of growing up in the unpleasant realities."


Black male: "Who will speak for me and understand me when the media will not?"

Cac and c00n: "BEN CARSON!"

This nation was built on blood lust, shed, and violence. There's much more to it than singling out freaking hip-hop and rap.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
BET doesn't even show music videos anymore. people just want to complain.

f*ck BET tho for not airing the million man march.

and the BET awards, as wack as it was, gave off more of a gay vibe than a thug vibe, but i guess its all the same to dr boyce.:laugh:
Apr 14, 2015
Agree with the part about not throwing the art away.

Disagree with the "Save everyone, we're all brothers" piece. Some people are too far gone and meant to be cannon fodder.

If you saw that as a save everybody we're all brothers, then i didn't convey my sentiments accurately. Im not implying that all black ppl will come together for anything. In reading many of these threads I've seen many ppl advocating change in the so called "black community" ranging from social to economic to cultural awareness and beyond. To me for these things to take effect and come to fruition it will require unification of like minds from all walks of life. The do called " black community" is not a single experience but this doesn't negate a person's desire to do or have better for themselves and those around them.