Theon's entire life, if he's considered a protagonist. He did have POV chapters in the books.
game of throne spoilersHis dad giving him away to the man that killed his brothers and forced his dad to submit
Growing up as a hostage and being reminded by random visitors that he was the Stark's bytch
Finally going home and realizing nobody cares about him or respects him, even poor fisherman
Trying to be suave by feeling up a girl, only to find out it was his sister
Finding out his sister is treated as his fathers "only son", and being ethered by her in front of everyone at the docks
Deciding to betray his only friend Robb so he could impress his father by capturing Winterfell, and not even having little Bran respect or fear him
Falling for some p*ssy and somehow losing a cripple, 5-year old, and retard, the only thing keeping him in power
Failing to give the man that trained him to fight a clean death because he couldn't properly swing a sword
Giving a final speech to "his men" to die in a blaze of glory, and being knocked out with one hit from the guy that convinced him to betray his friends in the first place
And then the entire sequence of events that led him to becoming Reek