Alien 3 is dope. Go watch the directors cut, it went through production HELL and fincher still managed to create a good ass movie, the production company were just afraid of giving fincher full reign to do what he really wanted. Who really considers Piranha as his first film though?BOTH OF THEIR 1ST FILMS WERE EITHER A COMMERICIAL FLOP or CRITICAL FLOPS.
fincher with alien 3 (commercial success, but critical flop to the point that even FINCHER HIMSELF disowns this film)
cameron with piranha 2 (just a MESS altogether!)
QT, for sure.....
Alien 3 is dope. Go watch the directors cut, it went through production HELL and fincher still managed to create a good ass movie, the production company were just afraid of giving fincher full reign to do what he really wanted. Who really considers Piranha as his first film though?it was a sequel so it wasn't really his film to begin with. Right after he drops arguably the greatest sci-fi movie ever created in The Terminator.
What is the OP's point?
Memento is a blockbuster, neither was Prestige. They can both be viewed as commercial flops, The Prestige moreso.
Are we including from dusk till dawn as a legit quentin tarantino film?
every film nolan made a PROFIT in sales while in theaters... to include following (even though it was dirt cheap to make)...
he never made a commercial flop.
I'm fairly sure 'Following' did absolutely nothing commercially, and wasn't anything more then average critically.
following was made with just 6,000 of nolan's own money. and earned 48,000.
you may not call it much, but that movie technically made EIGHT TIMES its own budget in profit! which ALSO got him his 1st mainstream film, "memento"