I can stand seeing Guts like this. He's been my rock, and a example of what to do when the walls are closing in. I remember discovering Berserk in the middle of college. In one of the toughest engineering programs in the nation, barely getting by classes, and having to retake a bunch too. Sleepless nights studying just to bomb an exam. It felt like every class was a unit of a gauntlet, trying to split my head open as I ran through them

After whetting my palete with the 25 episode anime, I had to see the story to the end. In between homework and study hour, I would read Gut's trials and tribulation. The onslaught of L colossal L after massive L that life tried to shove in his face, only to be meant with a "fukk you

"and a 400 lb block of sharpened iron.
Ya boy felt that. I resonated with that. Just as Guts did battle with the apostles trying to kill him, I did battle with myself and my classes, balancing a part time job and trying to figure out how to get a job with senior year coming to a close in months. A senior design and a research project I needed complete. I used my rage from seeing Guts in combat, fighting tooth and nail to live his life with his beloved Casca. The Grunbeld battle really solidified my resolve to finish school. Seeing Guts limbs being twisted back into place by the Berserker armor was

Guts might have saved my life, to be frank. I've been going through it a bit this past year with my job, but I'm just trying to make it to 2023 to start fresh. Seeing my hero down like this is a punch to stomach. I know he'll come back from this eventually. He's gotta come back from this, cause if he can't, what does that say about me, with my problems being so much smaller?
We're gonna make Guts.
We're gonna stand up again
We just gotta keep moving forward, bruh
We're going to be alright. We just stumbled over a stone in the road. It means nothing. Our goal lies far beyond this, doesn't it? T'm sure we'll overcome this. We'll walk again...soon.