Benjamin Franklin on White America


Deadly Jester
Apr 13, 2013
So sons of Africa refers to Swedes and Russians as well? :pachaha:

Or wait, I know ... maybe you should read THE WHOLE ESSAY by Ben Franklin, where he talks about the superiority of hiring labor instead of importing more black Slaves. Digital History

Funny how the meaning of an essay changes when you read the whole thing instead of an excerpt.

Source? Book title? Author? Again, you just keep posting pictures with zero context. Most of that hyperlink isn't even in English.

Moreover, I still don't understand what you're arguing.

You claim that the Holy Roman Empire wasn't entirely black. Okay. So what's your assertion?

That most of the nobility was black?

That some of the nobility might have been black?

That Charles V was black because of a tapestry in Peru, a place Charles V never went, when literally every portrait ever painted of him suggests otherwise?

Some speculate that nobles with the last name of MOORE or SCHWARTZ may have had black ancestry. But the Moor's head isn't limited to to those noblemen or their relatives, which suggests a completely alternate explanations. In this book for example:

Blacks in the Dutch World: The Evolution of Racial Imagery in a Modern Society - Allison Blakely - Google Books

The Moor's head could be seen in noblemen named Moore....but also in the crest of noblemen who sailed to the Cape of Good Hope in Africa. Moors are also associated with the spice trade, so the Moor's head could have been a sign of wealth.

I'd also like to point out that 99% of the shyt that comes up is from random blogs. Zero credibility.

How the fukk do you not know what Im arguing? Have you read the title? Have you read my main post? The last thing I posted is from the Book Ja Rogers Nature Knows No Color, if you actually looked you would see that and you would also see the fukking sources that he used that are right on the page. There was definately black nobility ALL AROUND EUROPE but this thread was about The holy roman empire. and yes I am saying that the Nobility at a certain time WAS BLACK. Do you know how the fukking tapestry got to Peru dumbass? How many ancient African artifacts are actually IN Africa? Anyways, many of the depictions of these people have been WHITE WASHED. Europeans had 200+ years clear to accomplish that. Why do you think it was FORBIDDEN for slaves to read and their identities stripped from them? When slavery would be abolished the new world and new HIStory would be created, therefore all these things need to be looked at and CROSSREFERENCED.

Its funny how whenever threads like this pop up on a so called Black message board theirs always these characters that pop up trying to derail everything, you clowns are plants. Anyone reading this thread check out the links and youtube videos I proved.


HARD ON HOES is not a word it's a LIFESTYLE
Jun 9, 2012
Can you elaborate on this?

Without violating my "oaths and obligations" let me just say this:

The Moors held "Noble" rank in most of the royal houses of the European countries simply because they were respected by the social scientists and esoteric and philosophic scholars of that day to be the Modern "Moabites" or "craftsmen"(builders) who "raised" a savage primitive European into an upright man of character and chivilary as exempflied in the various degrees that was being dispensed amongst the rites i.e (Scottish Rite...Asiatic Brethren...Rose & Croix) etc.

which is why Bro. Angelo Soliman is considered the "father of speculative freemasonry" by masonic scholars...

and this Moorish Legacy was honored by the founders of Craft Freemasonry this was due to the interesting relationship the order of the Knight Templers shared with the various Moorish and Sufi orders of North Africa during the Templers "travelers" via the "hot sands" of Morroco..Egypt and Arabia during the height of the crusades.

Modern Day freemasonry which inherited the legacy of the Knight Templers honored this bond within the dialogue and password of it's Master Mason's degree acknowledging the debt the bulk of Europe as well as the New World nation of America owed to the Moorish Pirates who originated the Skull and Bones society amongst the shores of the Mediterranian:

this degree will make you a brother to pirates and corsairs (moors)


Another intresting factor to be noted is the term MARINE...according to etymologists is simply a corruption of the term MAROON leading back to MOOR, in fact the Marine's motto is "from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli"...which describes the borders of the Moorish Empire when Moorish Pirates took to the seas.

Another factor is that there is a "side degree" in Knight Templer Rite freemasonry entitled the ROYAL ARK MARINER degree , which is based on the shipbuilding science of Noah and the Moabites, whom anthropologists and historians claim the Moors are descended from.

In fact prior to the 19th century ...Noah was the character prototype of the Blue Lodge degrees for quite some time, until an age of political correctness and appeasement of the Christian elementes of freemasonry brought about the change from Noah to H.I.R.A.M to not only parallel the Christian story but to suppress the occult (hidden) but exotic Afro-asiatic orgins of the craft where the true sublime secrets are held.

Ironic, considereing that the SUBSTITUTED "lost word" of the Master Mason Mason degree is *** ***or known now in modern times as ********a secret three syllable word with trinitarian and occult meanings. Which cannot be discussed in depth here.

But what can be revealed, that it is common knowledge, *************** ***************** *********** ***** ***********SKULL AND BONES symbolism found in the Third Degree and simply means symbolllicaly a denial of earthly pleasures for greater inner pleasures such as truth, love, freedom, justice and equality.

************* ********** ***************, the 2 crossbones having 4 points representing (love, freedom, justice, equality) and with the SKULL overlapping the bones with TRUTH (LIGHT) or for lake of a better word "illumination'.

And as I said earlier....the Europeans are fully aware of fact they take PRIDE and JOY in knowing that today modern day "moors" (negroes) are totally unaware of this and mock them in celebration in ritual:


The Britannia Coconut Dancers, known as the 'Nutters', are part of the history of the small Penine town of Bacup.
Every Easter Saturday the troupe of men - dressed in red and white kilts and clogs, with their faces blackened - take to the streets of the town to dance their way from one side to the other.
They perform folk dances, which are said to have originated with Moorish pirates.


Members of the "Order of Alahambra" founded on February 29, 1904, in Brooklyn, New York as a Catholic fraternal and social association. It was named after the Alhambra, a Moorish palace in Granada, Spain; where the Moors surrendered to Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492, after occupying Spain for almost 800 years. Within sight of the Alhambra’s red towers the saintly Columbus received the first favorable reply to his lifelong prayers for assistance to embark on his voyage of discovery. The Order, in addition to adopting the name of the Moorish palace, uses the colorful Oriental costuming and settings. The emblem of the Order is the red tower of Castile surmounting the crescent of the Saracen typifying the triumph of Christianity over the Moors. The Fez worn by members of the Order has this emblem as its prominent centerpiece. The Order has been honored by Pope John Paul II accepting a Fez

so mote it be
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