I'm happy I live in NYC now...honestly the olde rI got living in Pittsburgh, the harder life got for me as a black person trying to navigate that extremely white city.
When I was in college, I often studied alone mainly because due to my suburban background, the way I talked, the way I dressed, my love of skateboarding and all things considered "non-black" culturally in America the black kids shunned me and due to being black, everyone else shunned me. Had a hard time meeting women, especially as a Nigerian/West Indian first gen. I would try to get help with homework and classwork but I remember asking the white kids in my class what was due (I would be one of two black people in my college classes at a time) and they'd say "I don't know" and in the next breath when another white person asked them the same question, they would answer it without hesitating

I couldn't deal with it anymore....I couldn't deal with trying to suck up and be nice to people I absolutely did not like whatsoever...eventually I just clammed up...kept to myself...that's where my love of being a loner comes from really from college.
Which is funny and kind of sad at the same time. When I started college in 2002 all the way to 2004 (I was in college for a decade due to dealing with depression and not being able to pass an algebra course cause I was terrible at math) I had tons of friends...when I transferred to Pitt in 2005...that number decreased to two in a school of over 40,000. Most of the people there I just could not stand.