The fukk type of sense does that make?

Especially considering the context of this thread & video?
I don't even see why people tag you in these threads when ALL you do is deflect & try to turn it on black men.
never call out black women on their behavior (even when they're clearly in the wrong) & I've never seen you condemn white men under
any circumstance; at the same time though you never miss an opportunity to show up with your criticism anytime there's a thread of a black male somehow mistreating black women.
Whenever someone tries to point out the hypocrisy of you talking down to black men while insisting white men are better (when in reality they're
far more discriminatory towards black women) you
quickly make distinctions between the "type" of white males that you like but you don't extend that same courtesy to black men by differentiating between those who are colorstruck c00ns & those who aren't.
Smh, and the worst part of it is you probably think it's okay since you do it under the guise of black feminism or defending/empowering black women.
And yet
another post indicating that she dates outside her race.. This shyt is on the verge of being a metal illness at this point. You were exactly the person who I was alluding to in the post I made earlier in this thread. >>
This part of your post had literally nothing to do with the nonsensical point you tried making up above.
You just wanted to throw it in people's face like you always do but i'll bite anyway.
Y'all love to downplay black women dating interracially by using the relatively low percentage of
African-American women married outside their race as some kinda representation of black women all across the world being "loyal" to black men when It doesn't take into account the numerous other countries where black women marry out at
much higher rates. Not only that, but y'all stupidly use anecdotal evidence like "none of my female relatives or friends do it so it aint that common". Then there's more obvious factors that you just blatantly ignore, like how
alot of white men who date black women do not choose them when it comes to marriage.
Also, FYI: Marriage statistics =/= dating statistics
Lots of black women have
dated or been attracted to someone outside of their race in their lifetimes. Doesn't always have to be a white male; it can be Hispanic or another race. Realistically speaking, the rate for how much African-American women have dated out is probably at near the same amount as black men.
Black men may be known to praise PAWGs & Yellabones in their rap songs but you see what happens when black women get their own platforms & soapboxes though, right? Literally non-stop white boy worship. A common theme with Black feminists & Black female SJWs who are supposedly "pro-black" is that they are bedwenches. We see this literally all the time.
You think it's simply a coincidence that a black female dominated forum like Lipstickalley practically has the reputation of worshiping white males? Is it also just a mere coincidence that they display many of the same characteristics that you come over here & falsely accuse black men of being the only ones of having? Everything you complain about on here can be found way more frequently over there: Colorism, praising other races & even derogatory remarks towards the opposite gender (e.g. "Dusty", "Ashy", & "Negro Male" among various others) are terms I've noticed them using in reference to black males specifically. Oh, but I guess it should all be swept under the rug & we should stick to the narrative of black women being loyal to only black men & less colorstruck than them all because...
...African-American women marry out at a lesser rate than African-American men & their platforms have less notability.
Black women aren't innocent even if we were to talk about real life situations. You & I both know this.
There's dark-skinned black males out there who've been insulted by black women but i'm sure your victimhood googles only limit your ability to see things down to your own narrow perspective.
There's alot of intra-division between black women too. That's what I find funny about black feminism. Y'all act like black women have solidarity when that couldn't be further from the truth.
Black women dragged Gabby Douglas for having "nappy edges" & created a petition for Beyonce to comb Blue Ivy's naturally Kinky hair.
Black women play a huge part in indoctrinating their children with self-hate by wearing weave & perming their daughters hair at young ages but y'all aint tryna acknowledge that though.
My god.. the irony in this coming from you of all people.

I think we've already established the fact that you're a hypocrite so how's about we establish few more things, shall we?

I personally think you would've ultimately chose to marry a white man anyway -- regardless of how black men treat you.
It's obvious that you're
deeply insecure about your dark-skin tone..
..and not only that, but your facial features as well, which is why you cover your nose in every picture you upload.
You're an
attention-seeker who resents the fact that you aren't coveted or praised as much as the women you're secretly envious of are.
You find amusement in provoking negative reactions out of people (specifically black men on this forum) due to your fukked up, sadistic personality which is why I have no sympathy for you.
Alot of black men here are lenient with you since you
also claim to be open to dating black men in the midst of your white male worship but I aint the one bih.
And you know what else I think? Black men are just a stepping stone for you in all of your attention-seeking endeavors (since in your mind
any attention is good attention), so you settle down with them for the time being since you don't have the confidence to approach the white men who you actually prefer. Idk... I could be wrong, but can you really blame me for thinking this way after the 100 or so amount of posts you made caping for them just this past week. Don't think I've ever seen you speak so positively of black men before.
Would I also be wrong to assume you want your babies to naturally have the loose textured curls reminiscent of the weaves you put in your head?
Once again.. this all could be very far-fetched but it's the impression you give me.
One thing i'm sure about though is most of your diatribes against black men are more of a projection of your own insecurities than anything.
None of it seriously matters to me in the end. I just hope karma comes around & you finally find your "type" of white guy only for him to later tell you
that you're too dark-skinned for his liking.
You're dismissed.
Now get the fukk on somewhere with that foolishness.