I'm sorry for hurting your feelings but this was pitiful. Crybaby rants like this only prove my point.
So what?
First you said that Jay Z wanted no parts of a battle with Cam, now you're saying that Jay Z started the battle with Cam. Which is it? I was aware that there was tension for years but when did Jay Z start it? I remember Cam trying to use the Dame split as an excuse to go at him. I remember him having a press conference trying to explain himself. If you actually know what you're talking about then why are you lying? Why are you denying that it was stunt by Cam? Either you're bias, plain ignorant, or both. I choose C.

we've already recapped the cam/jay beef. and numerous people, including jay-z fans have already made note of how jay throws shots at other rappers and then acts innocent when those rappers diss him outright, which then leads people such as yourself to think that theyre just dissin him for attention, which allows him to get off scott-free in the eyes of the general public. stuff like this is why jay gets a bad rep. if you understood hip-hop like you claim, then i shouldnt have had to explain this to you.
kick rocks.