although that sounds exciting, you already know there will be changes to get that M rating changed....hopefully it'll just be some language, cutscene, or nudity edits, nothing really gameplay nor story wise....
although that sounds exciting, you already know there will be changes to get that M rating changed....hopefully it'll just be some language, cutscene, or nudity edits, nothing really gameplay nor story wise....
Isn't the last ones that long?? Batman games usually feel very meaty in terms of content. Combat Arena mode and challenge maps are crack.i hope this game is like 20 hours long with how long they delayed it but either way its an instant cop regardless...
i just wish they could make a game this good for superman.
I'm not sure if they were speaking directly on the M rating change in the article, but one of the head guys at Rocksteady said he got a call from WB asking him to change some stuff around. Then the next day someone else called him and was said just do what you want to do.
All in all I don't think it will be changed.
On the topic of the game though, I'm hyped for it even with the lack of news.
They better bring in Huntress
M rating?
someone is catching a bullet to the head
New trailer today