Baltimore man Freddie Gray dies after getiing neck broken while in police custody


Live Or Let Die
Jun 12, 2012
The Black Community
Stop running and stop resisting. Put your hands behind your back and get arrested without saying a word. Speak to an attorney and take your shot at the fukked up judicial system.

It's not fair, but it's the best chance of stopping this ridiculous fukkery because it opens the door for these pricks to make it seem like what happened was excusable.
What the fukk is the matter with you with this bullshyt post? Do you realize that the majority of the black people this stuff happens to are not resisting arrest AT ALL? So fukk your advice and smarten up, kid.

Money Be Green

May 13, 2012
The Pitts
How did they break his neck :mindblown:? Did they slam him or did they



Jul 22, 2014

Judge William H. “Billy” Murphy, Jr. is the founder and a senior partner of Murphy, Falcon & Murphy in Baltimore. In addition to his active trial work and ongoing caseload, Judge Murphy also serves as the informal elder statesman of the firm.

With more than 42 years of practice in state courts, Judge Murphy has been successful in over 90% of his state court cases and over 40% of his federal cases–four times higher than the national average of 9%.

In the courtroom, he’s known as an expert litigator with a calm and calculated approach for getting to the truth. Ask those who know him best to describe the man leading many of Murphy, Falcon & Murphy’s most complex cases and the words you’ll hear most frequently are “imaginative,” “leader,” “calm,” and “team builder.”


He ain't no benjamin crump....


Jul 22, 2014
This is even worse than being shot and killed.

Death by spine injury....:sadcam:


TSC Fantasy Football Champion 2016
Sep 14, 2013
Los Angeles C.A.
Baltimore police have suspended six officers after the death of a man in Baltimore police custody. Freddie Gray, 25, was critically injured after his arrest April 12. He died early Sunday morning at Shock Trauma. According to the family's lawyer, Gray suffered a severe spinal cord injury.

This has become a national story, another case in which an encounter with police has led to a death, raising questions about police conduct.

"We are a community on the edge right now," Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts said during a news conference Monday afternoon.

Baltimore City police have since suspended six officers involved. During a news conference Monday afternoon, police showed video from one CCTV camera near the scene.

"Our community is experiencing a great deal of trauma," Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said during a news conference Monday afternoon. "This is a tense time for Baltimore. I'm angry that we are here again, that we have to tell another mother that her child is dead."

Why did officers pursue Gray?

According to a police charging document obtained by the WBAL-TV 11 News I-Team on Monday, officers arrested Gray on a west Baltimore street because he "fled unprovoked upon noting police presence in the neighborhood."

"The officers made eye contact, he ran, and the officers pursued," Batts said.

Officers chased Gray down the street and caught him.

"The officer then noticed a knife clipped to the inside of his pants pocket. The defendant was arrested without force or incident," according to the charging document.

The officer then writes in the charging document that Gray suffered a medical emergency during transport but it doesn't say how, where or when.

During the news conference Monday, Deputy Police Commissioner Jerry Rodriguez reiterated a police timeline of events that led to Gray's arrest.

- 8:39:52, at 1700 Pressbury, a unit says on the radio 'I got him.'

- 8:40:12, 'We got one' An officer has stopped Gray at this time.

"Mr. Gray gave up without the use of force. An officer took his Taser out but never deployed the Taser," Rodriguez said.

- 8:42:52, a wagon is requested for transport and Gray asks for an inhaler

- 8:46:02, The driver of the prisoner transport van believes Gray is acting irate in the back

- 8:46:12, a unit asks the wagon to stop so the paperwork can be completed; Gray is placed in leg irons and put back in the wagon

- 8:54:02, the van leaves
- 08:59:02, the driver asks for an additional unit to check on Gray

Friday, a witness, who did not want to be identified, told the 11 News I-Team that she watched how police handled Gray when the van carrying him stopped at a second location so leg irons could be applied.

"They threw him in the paddy wagon face first, you know face down, and mind you, his arms and legs are locked up," the witness said. "He was laying on his stomach when they threw him. He was still on his stomach position and they just threw him in the paddy wagon. It was like four police."

"We've all seen the videos ... the actions of our officers appear to be calm, they do not appear to be angry or overbearing," Batts said.

"The autopsy was done today (Monday) ... We have no evidence of any use of force," Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez said the autopsy shows Gray suffered a serious injury to his spinal cord that caused his death. There were no broken limbs or other injury to his body.

"What we don't have at this point is how Mr. Gray sustained those injuries," Rodriguez said.

Sources told the 11 News I-Team that the van made a third stop to pick up another prisoner. At that location, sources said, Gray was unresponsive, but no medic was called until the wagon reached the Western District precinct around 9:24 a.m.

"When Mr. Gray was taken out of that van, he could not talk and he could not breathe," Rodriguez said.

Department policy requires police to "ensure the safety of the detainee in custody" and "ensure medical treatment for a detainee is obtained when necessary or requested."

Experts told the 11 News I-Team that the type of injury Gray suffered could have been caused by sudden and forceful motion, whiplash or striking one's chin on something with the head snapping back.

Batts said a task force working solely on this investigation will send to the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office a report next Friday. Batts said he will also call for an independent review board to review the investigation.

"As this investigation continues, we will take corrective action whenever and wherever is necessary," Batts said.

Investigators from the Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office were in the west Baltimore neighborhood Monday afternoon interviewing witnesses. Earlier Monday, the prosecutor's office released a statement, saying: "While I cannot discuss the details in the death of Freddie Gray due to the ongoing investigation, I can assure the public that my office has dedicated all its existing resources to independently investigate this matter to determine whether criminal charges will be brought. We encourage anyone with information on this incident to contact our office at 443-984-6000 or on our website stattorney.orgby clicking on our police integrity tab."

Batts said he is ordering new procedures for the transport of prisoners, including ensuring prisoners get medical attention when requested and making sure transport officers are certified in first aid and CPR.

Protesters who converged on City Hall Monday morning sought answers as to how Gray died and they want the officers involved with his arrest to be held accountable.

"Tell the truth and stop the lies. Freddie Gray didn't have to die," one protester shouted.

The Rev. C.D. Witherspoon, with Baltimore's Southern Christian Leadership Conference, expressed frustration over what he said is a lack of accountability within the Baltimore City Police Department.

"We're calling for these cops to be charged. We're calling for them to be criminalized," Witherspoon said. "We're sick and tired of being sick and tired of that uniform safeguarding people from the same justice that all of us have to endure."

Protesters carried their message through the streets of downtown to city police headquarters with dozens of officers standing guard.

"My heart goes out to the family. I have kids of my own and this is a sad situation," a woman said.

"We've got to stop this killing. We've got to stop giving them (police) a reason to stop us on abusive charges and stuff. We have to come together as one," a man said.
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Jul 22, 2014
"They threw him in the paddy wagon face first, you know face down, and mind you, his arms and legs are locked up," the witness said. "He was laying on his stomach when they threw him. ."


They should only charge the ones who threw him in because if they charge all 5 they will get off.