I can't help but remember a Jazzy Jeff quote about Lil B, which has become prophetic for me. He said that at some point he realized why kids liked Lil B: they understood that he wasn't talented yet was rich/popular, and within that they realized that achieving success was possible. It's a game. This was years before "clout" was even major slang.
A lot of young people, men and women, look at celebs and entertainment "entrepreneurs" as what they want to become in life. They couldn't care less about a job. A job to them is retail. The idea of a profession, of making good money in a 9-5, of a college degree in a lucrative field...are all abstractions. Everyone they know is struggling to some degree and the only way they see out is the bullshyt life/image social media has shown them about influencers and go getters.
For all the brehs clowning women in this thread...there are even more young dudes who are living and breathing this mentality than women. Guys trying to become rappers or whatever else...it's a fukking game. And for most people, they lose. Bad.