black americans really don't have culture or positive viewed culture - outside of hiphop, which is music now. although some people want to envelope this into a culture. There's an American culture and blacks fits into that.
What is this American culture you type of? bc North America was stolen from the Natives who lived here first.
What is true american culture??????
is it British, French, Portugese and Spaniard culture morphed into the fukkery we call AMERICA????
you're the birth of comedy and dance? Black Americans?
all those are music genres - are you saying these make up specifically black american culture as opposed to american culture?
smh - you don't even know what your own culture is. What food do blacks eat that are cultural to blacks vs americans in the south? you don't understand the word assimilate , don't realize that any culture that you want to claim is claimed by all Americans now. All those genres are American, the food ...American...the style American.
1. This country was founded and built on stolen land by evil europeans.
the original europeans who came here tried to leave that evil they were running from,
but soon that evil they escaped from showed up in North America and took over.
2. AMERICA was named by a map maker frm germany. He named it AMERICA in 1507.
you're using a word frm a german map maker to put a tag on a style you're trying to debate about. wtf.
3. Assimilate - resemble.
Wtf does "american" food resemble????? It doesnt fukking resemble the food that came frm the people who conquered it and stole it.
What southern food has a british, portugese, and spaniard flair to it?? even true french cuisine does not resemble southern cooking.
TRUE american cuisine resembles native american cooking using the resources they had grown and roaming on North American land..
The "american" cuisine you're referring to is shyt they put in cook books in the 50's and labeled "AMERICAN"
Recipes taken frm over the years that slaves and immigrants cooked for their rich masters using the ingredients available by importation into America, and grown in America.
4. American culture?? Explain that to me please.
What is this American culture you're speaking of?? When did country music merge into hip hop?
Only dumb ass to truly do that and succeed was Kid Rokk.
how old are you???