There definitely was a international effort back then. I dont think it, the proof is in the music. You are not "fully" aware. And remaining ignorant is a choice you can choose.
The international effort is essentially how rap music began. Africans were never a written people. We remembered the news and stories from america haiti and cuba and spread them through song and rhyme. The blacks on the docks in haitia cuba and mew orleans where DEFINITELY communicating everyday. Because the ships went back and forth everyday.
The fact that your trying to credit every city with a different genre of music proves my point more. Its not a new orleans thing. Or detroit thing. Cuba thing. Or american thing. Its an african/black thing. And they (cubans) where around before us. And had more freedom to practice the music.
You can not be here for your history. All good. Afrocuban and Haitians are Africans in the Americas too. Lol.
No it wasn't breh
This is the darkside of the "we all black" shyt. Everyone wins except African americans.
Those genres were started by black southerners nothing more nothing less