Family Lives Matter
And on the wood flooring?
After seeing some of your food combinations I put you in the same boat as her
And on the wood flooring?
After seeing some of your food combinations I put you in the same boat as her
azealia is wifey material
Oh me, oh my kill those chickens
I knew that bytch was demonic
yall are really letting something Azelea Banks did drive yall to denounce all african religions/spiritual systems I been practicing Yoruba for years and I haven't sacrificed an animal or had an ebo riru performed on my behalf. it's not mandatory. everybody practices differently. how your practice is shaped mainly depends on your personality, what you want to achieve and what your babalawo, orishas or your ancestors advise you to do. with the good information that the internet provides also comes a lot of BAD information. instead of being advised by reputable elders, you have a lot of people just practicing stuff that they saw on youtube or read from some random twitter account... you also have practitioners that have elders that are irresponsible, passing down generations worth of misinformation and some practitioners that actually have reputable elders are irresponsible themselves, taking things into their own hands. don't paint african religions with such a broad brush based on the acts of one person. it's much more complex than that.
Holla at @305DeadCounty i think he already made oneThoughts on the Ife Divination system and Ife Yoruba philosophy?
Care to start an Afro-diaspora religions thread in the Root?