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Divination is one of the most important aspects of Yoruba because it's really your formal introduction to the orishas (in my opinion)...when I'm going through an issue that I can't work through on my own and need to figure out its root cause on a spiritual level I'll consult my babalawo and ask him to do a reading for me...babalawos are basically the middle men between you and the Orishas...i usually contact my babalawo, explain the situation then we'll meet up whenever he's free and he'll perform a divination on my behalf using either ikin (palm nuts) and an opon ifa or an opele (divining chain)...we go through the formalities and at the end of the divining process he'll read me an odu, we'll discuss its meaning a little bit further and he'll tell me what offering the orisha requests of me...offerings can be as simple as wearing a certain color throughout the week to show reverence to a certain orisha or have an ebo riru performed on your behalf (which a real baba will never force on you btw)......example one orisha requested that i start using a certain color candle in my ancestral shrine so we went downstairs to the botanica and bought one after the session...simple as's not always going to be something elaborate especially if you're a newcomer...offerings are about the energy exchange more than anything...the orishas offer you assistance and you offer them something back in all in all, if you heed the messages being transmitted during divination it can be life-changing, enlightening experience and provide balance to your life when things seem like they're in disarray or even when theyre not...just make sure that any divination you receive is being performed by someone that is a pure conduit (pure heart and pure mind)...Thoughts on the Ife Divination system and Ife Yoruba philosophy?
Care to start an Afro-diaspora religions thread in the Root?
is there anything you want me to touch on specifically regarding Yoruba philosophy?...and about your latter question honestly fam i try to avoid discussing this subject on the coli in general because 99.9% of the time a thread gets created on african religious practices it gets derailed...i just read way too many ignorant posts in here to not shed some if someone tags me i'll be more than glad to speak on what i know but other than that find me in the Booth lol
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