Avoiding Alimony & Child Support are the keys to success as a male..part 2


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
Yeah he should have divorced ma. That's the thing with a lot of women. They simply don't appreciate mercy. When they screw up and you show them mercy, they think you're weak, and for them, the weak are to be exterminated. Let a woman get away with sassing you or you give in and comply to her little tantrums and she's going to do it again. Let her use her tears to manipulate you. Oh you're weak. All I gotta do is turn on the shower and he'll do what I say. Let her put hands on you and you don't tell her anything, then she's going to keep going upside your head. Forgive her for cheating and she'll think you're one that she can get over on and she's going to keep cheating. This dude went soft on his woman and she TORE HIM UP. You go around giving your woman money, doing her hair, and she'll take that to go look good for the next dude and probably take that money and give it to another dude.

That book just posted stated the real:
"Even though, like The Manipulated Man, this book is sure to be denounced as misogynist literature, it has no interest in hating women or in female-bashing. It is not motivated by anger or bitterness, or even cynicism. To come to such a conclusion is, as above, to follow a path of least resistance. It is, rather, a book of uncensored observations of human behavior, and so is not an agenda-ridden manifesto, as is so typical of anti-male literature."

Whenever you start hitting up on the truth and demanding a fair playing field a lot of these women and their followers start trying to call you angry or bitter. You cut their gravy train short, so they start getting angry and trying to cut you down with words. If you want to be really real with it, a lot of women actually applaud each other for leech-like behavior. You see some woman breaking some athlete for a whole lot of money, and how much you bet you're going to hear, "GIRL GET that MONEY!" about ten times more than "you're a leech! You didn't earn that money, so go your own way and get a job!"

This is why I ALWAYS tell a fella if he found a righteous woman, you better keep her man and you better not cheat on her. It ain't nothing pretty out here these days. Nothing pretty at all.

You should write a book (or an e-book), i'm serious.

breh make sure your good with ur ol lady...you know if she ask for divorce its a wrap for you



May 2, 2012
brehs one of my friends is getting his shyt pushed in right now.

Dude lost his 60K job, going through a divorce after having a 3rd kid recently with the wife.

She trying to use his degree as a starting point for alimony, already lost the house. I told dude straight up...she played you dog...had that 3rd kid to make a killing for 18+

He basically works one of his jobs and sees nothing. Lives with his mom right now as a result of all this shyt. 28 and fukked

Damn, that nikka is all the way fukked in the game..

Next time you see him, he'll look like this:


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
what about staying with your old lady and raising your kids. that's a :win: all day I say.
I hope u get divorced so bad, fukking fakkits acting like nikkas with 20 years under the belt aint fall off and you immune :laff:


May 1, 2012
Thats y when i divorced my ex i put in the divorce decree due to child neglect u will give him custody of kids and pay child support and she signed it but the messed up part about it though
i helped her get in the military that way i can get more money now these damn attorney generals who suppose to help the parent who got custody get more money aint even helping me now i gotta get a damn lawyer to seek her out and serve her since she been tryin to avoid it
she only givin me 200 bucks a month for 2 kids when its suppose to be a 1000 a month


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
It took me a while to understand it, but when I finally did, it opened my eyes. Let me break it down to the bone.
"A pimp is a man who has reversed the game on a woman."

Think about a person that spent most of their time primping in front of a mirror to look their best, sprayed themselves in the finest fragrances, sat around and thought of ways to utilize their skills of conversation, seduction and aesthetics to manipulate the opposite sex to support a higher quality lifestyle than they were capable of by their own hand.

Think about someone who utilizes all of those aforementioned skills to send their partner to work and demanded that they bring that money back to them. If I ascribed those skills to a man, what would you call him? You'd call him a pimp or mack. You'd call him the scum of the earth. He's looked at as downlow and dirty and needs to be tossed in jail. But ascribe those skills to a woman. What do you have? You have the average, everyday woman.

If you got money, fame or any other aspect of 'having it going on', women are going to look good, put on all these fronts, hit you up with sweet conversation until she can get you hooked into a relationship. When you're in that relationship, she'll be cool until you go broke. Or if she gets you in marriage, she'll stop with all the fronts and the real her comes out, because if ya'll break up, she's going to get a pocket full of dollars! Oh, where did that sex go? Where did that attitude come from? She changed into a different person! No duh! She covered up the real her and when she got you into a position advantageous to her!

Despite all those promises of loyalty, you stay broke too long and she will dog you out until you get another job so that you can support that lifestyle or else she will peel out. A woman will stay trying to clown on a 'broke dude', despite them being broke themselves. A woman will call a man out of a job a loser, yell at him, call him a little boy and nothing is thought of it, but let a man call a woman who just lost her job and is unable to support his lifestyle a loser, lame little girl, etc., and that negro will be called abusive. Come on now!

I know you've heard this before. A woman will even say disrespectful things when it comes to making money, she will say her paycheck is HERS. But let her refer to her husband's paycheck. That paycheck isn't his, it's OURS.

A lot of these womens' main goal is to sit around, look right, and use their seduction skills to get a man's money to SUPPORT THEIR LIFESTYLE. If he's not making enough money, dog his butt and send him back to work to bring MORE money back. If he doesn't make enough to support her tastes, he gets fired and she'll find her a new man. TELL ME THAT AIN'T PIMPING!

What's even so cold is that these women will make a man pay a choosing fee. In order to be married to her, she's going to want you to put a big ol' diamond rock on her finger to show your commitment. These days, you are most likely going to have to pay for the wedding as well. Guess who has to take her out on an expensive vacation she likes to reward her companionship with you? That's right, the man. What's so sick about it is after putting yourself in such a disadvantageous position, if you can't stand that woman, she gets rewarded with pockets full of your money! Imagine the courts ordering a young woman who ran away from her pimp to continue to pay him money to support his lifestyle or she will go in the slammer. Now tell me that ain't sick.

With all that said, am I advocating you turn into some sort of pimp and have women getting you money? ABSOLUTELY NOT. What I do advocate is recognizing these games these women play and cutting it short at the root. AVOID putting yourself in disadvantageous positions where you are providing women free streams of income for dishonest behavior. Do NOT let a woman be slick, talking about your paycheck is ours. Do NOT let her disrespect you when you are spending time with her. Do NOT allow her to manipulate you with tears and other emotional cues to get out of repercussions when she is wrong. Why do women pull the boohoo routines on their fathers and not their mothers? Because another woman can SEE RIGHT THROUGH IT! Do NOT fret when a woman leaves when you do not go for her nonsense. If she ain't there for you, in fact, give her the boot. Help her pack. If she's talking about letting you go because you are not making enough money, or you refuse to call your paycheck 'ours', or she starts trying to charge you for your company, keep it pushing. Do not allow a woman to manipulate your emotions for her gain.

This is why I say over and over, find a righteous woman and DO NOT CHEAT or LOSE HER. A LOT of women these days got this sort of leech mentality. You have to keep filtering them out and giving women the boot until you find one that honestly wants to BUILD TOGETHER. Do not fall for her lovely seduction, but look for a woman that maintains consistency of a moral lifestyle. NEVER trust without verifying she is trustworthy. That means finding ways to check into her background. Businesses won't hire someone without doing a background check, so why in the world are you going to refuse to do a background check on someone you are giving your heart to and potentially giving her your flesh and blood in the form of kids?

There are very few women who will stay down with you in the bad times as well as the lovely times. There are very few who actually want to build with you. When you find one, realize what you have. As a man, you are a captain. Observe the waters and sail around those glaciers and rocky shores until you set ashore paradise!

Amare's Right Hook

Southeast World Champion
May 1, 2012
It took me a while to understand it, but when I finally did, it opened my eyes. Let me break it down to the bone.
"A pimp is a man who has reversed the game on a woman."

Think about a person that spent most of their time primping in front of a mirror to look their best, sprayed themselves in the finest fragrances, sat around and thought of ways to utilize their skills of conversation, seduction and aesthetics to manipulate the opposite sex to support a higher quality lifestyle than they were capable of by their own hand.

Think about someone who utilizes all of those aforementioned skills to send their partner to work and demanded that they bring that money back to them. If I ascribed those skills to a man, what would you call him? You'd call him a pimp or mack. You'd call him the scum of the earth. He's looked at as downlow and dirty and needs to be tossed in jail. But ascribe those skills to a woman. What do you have? You have the average, everyday woman.

If you got money, fame or any other aspect of 'having it going on', women are going to look good, put on all these fronts, hit you up with sweet conversation until she can get you hooked into a relationship. When you're in that relationship, she'll be cool until you go broke. Or if she gets you in marriage, she'll stop with all the fronts and the real her comes out, because if ya'll break up, she's going to get a pocket full of dollars! Oh, where did that sex go? Where did that attitude come from? She changed into a different person! No duh! She covered up the real her and when she got you into a position advantageous to her!

Despite all those promises of loyalty, you stay broke too long and she will dog you out until you get another job so that you can support that lifestyle or else she will peel out. A woman will stay trying to clown on a 'broke dude', despite them being broke themselves. A woman will call a man out of a job a loser, yell at him, call him a little boy and nothing is thought of it, but let a man call a woman who just lost her job and is unable to support his lifestyle a loser, lame little girl, etc., and that negro will be called abusive. Come on now!

I know you've heard this before. A woman will even say disrespectful things when it comes to making money, she will say her paycheck is HERS. But let her refer to her husband's paycheck. That paycheck isn't his, it's OURS.

A lot of these womens' main goal is to sit around, look right, and use their seduction skills to get a man's money to SUPPORT THEIR LIFESTYLE. If he's not making enough money, dog his butt and send him back to work to bring MORE money back. If he doesn't make enough to support her tastes, he gets fired and she'll find her a new man. TELL ME THAT AIN'T PIMPING!

What's even so cold is that these women will make a man pay a choosing fee. In order to be married to her, she's going to want you to put a big ol' diamond rock on her finger to show your commitment. These days, you are most likely going to have to pay for the wedding as well. Guess who has to take her out on an expensive vacation she likes to reward her companionship with you? That's right, the man. What's so sick about it is after putting yourself in such a disadvantageous position, if you can't stand that woman, she gets rewarded with pockets full of your money! Imagine the courts ordering a young woman who ran away from her pimp to continue to pay him money to support his lifestyle or she will go in the slammer. Now tell me that ain't sick.

With all that said, am I advocating you turn into some sort of pimp and have women getting you money? ABSOLUTELY NOT. What I do advocate is recognizing these games these women play and cutting it short at the root. AVOID putting yourself in disadvantageous positions where you are providing women free streams of income for dishonest behavior. Do NOT let a woman be slick, talking about your paycheck is ours. Do NOT let her disrespect you when you are spending time with her. Do NOT allow her to manipulate you with tears and other emotional cues to get out of repercussions when she is wrong. Why do women pull the boohoo routines on their fathers and not their mothers? Because another woman can SEE RIGHT THROUGH IT! Do NOT fret when a woman leaves when you do not go for her nonsense. If she ain't there for you, in fact, give her the boot. Help her pack. If she's talking about letting you go because you are not making enough money, or you refuse to call your paycheck 'ours', or she starts trying to charge you for your company, keep it pushing. Do not allow a woman to manipulate your emotions for her gain.

This is why I say over and over, find a righteous woman and DO NOT CHEAT or LOSE HER. A LOT of women these days got this sort of leech mentality. You have to keep filtering them out and giving women the boot until you find one that honestly wants to BUILD TOGETHER. Do not fall for her lovely seduction, but look for a woman that maintains consistency of a moral lifestyle. NEVER trust without verifying she is trustworthy. That means finding ways to check into her background. Businesses won't hire someone without doing a background check, so why in the world are you going to refuse to do a background check on someone you are giving your heart to and potentially giving her your flesh and blood in the form of kids?

There are very few women who will stay down with you in the bad times as well as the lovely times. There are very few who actually want to build with you. When you find one, realize what you have. As a man, you are a captain. Observe the waters and sail around those glaciers and rocky shores until you set ashore paradise!

Didnt read :obama: