um, they DID!
the plot and overall story was generic, the dialogue was lame, and the acting was wooden aside from RDJ & ruffalo's performances. BUT it was going to make $$$$ ANYWAY because it is a MASH-UP FILM with all of those marvel characters in them!!! they could of dump a pile of shyt literally and have ironman, hulk, capt. america, and thor fight over that and that piece of shyt still would of BLEW RECORDS at the box office.
but lets just say it was just some GENERIC unknown characters and this was the same EXACT film aside from that factor...u and i BOTH know that shyt would of been wack as fukk...calling it out for biting transformers dark moon shyt, biting the opening of the green latern shyt, going after the CLICHE alien vs. mankind storyline WITH the CLICHE ENDING of a nuke attacking the mothership (i mean didn't INDEPENDENCE DAY done that shyt before?)
congrats for the movie's success, but stop living in a dream world saying that it was "surprisingly good". it was an AVERAGE superhero movie that's been overrated due to the circumstances of it being the 1st time having all of those marvel characters all together.
as for NOLAN. that dude has NO PRESSURE on him!! all that PRESSURE he had was with INCEPTION, which was a DANGEROUS risky film to make...and WB gave him CARTE BLANCHE for him to do his OWN dream project, push it out in the summer and HOPE it would be a HIT..which it was.
this dude has NO pressure on him at all now!! and why should he? for the SAME REASONS i stated for the avengers, TDKR is going to SELL regardless of how the film turns out. haven't we LEARNED from LUCAS and the star wars prequels? they were ALL garbage films, but all sold like hot cakes.