What was up with the close shot of strange right after thanos hit marvel with the power stone? Made it look like he was influencing Stark to attack thanos's hand
What was up with the close shot of strange right after thanos hit marvel with the power stone? Made it look like he was influencing Stark to attack thanos's hand
He was only in the Quantum Relm for 5 hours. Janet was in it for years. Technically she didn't come out in her past timeline. She came out in a different one.
She made light work on Thanos’ Commander ship.This is 100% on point.
Add the girl power sceen, and Capt marvel destroying another giant ship by flying into it
How fast can CPT Marvel fly? Was it explained her her movie? Tony should have been out of oxygen from her rescue mission.
I feel like xmen xmen hd time travel way betterWhat am I watching right now .this movie starting off as a waste of time. Whole bunch of useless scenes. Whole get the team back together. Oh let's use the time travel theme just like in XMen.
All these weak azz wanna be emotional scenes.
The beginning encounter with thanos is disgustingly anticlimactic
Boo so far. Not even done yet .
Funny how you Marvel stans keep ignoring this question.![]()
It's a different planet. Black Widow only had a fukkin 9mm and expected that to be sufficient against other worldly beings
INFINITY WAR: basically, if Strange tells Tony they're in the right timeline before everything that needs to happen happens, it won't happen. Strange holding up the one finger is a signal to Tony that everything that needs to happen for them to win has happened, they are in the one timeline. If Strange had told Tony before this, those things wouldn't have happened. He saw 14 million futures. He knows exactly how this needs to play out.
As for the time travel in ENDGAME, Hulk and the Ancient One make clear that you can't change the past. By changing things, you're just creating another timeline. Your past is your past, you can't change it. So even if Cap were to change things in his new life with Peggy, it wouldn't affect the main MCU timeline. The Gamora from 2014 running around in 2023 doesn't affect the Gamora we followed in GOTG 1-2 and infinity War. She still lived and died. The new Gamora is one from a different timeline. So if Cap were to change anything, it wouldn't affect the main MCU timeline.
Easiest way to explain it is this:
Main timeline: The one the MCU follows and is in now and will continue to follow.
Timeline 2: Everything the same up until the Battle of New York. Loki escapes with the Tesseract, Captain America and Hulk steal the Mind and Time stones. Cap later returns these stones to the moment they were taken, restoring this timeline almost to normal (Loki is still on the loose with the Tesseract).
Timeline 3: Everything the same up until "Thor: The Dark World". Rocket removes the Reality stone from Jane. Cap later returns the stone at the moment it was taken. This alternate timeline is erased and restored to the main timeline.
Timeline 4: Everything same up until the 1970's. Tony steals the Tesseract from SHIELD. Cap later returns the Tesseract. This alternate timeline is erased and restored to the main timeline.
Timeline 5: Everything same up until GOTG. Rhodey and Nebula steal the Power stone while Nat and Clint retrieve the Soul stone. The Thanos, Nebula, Gamora and Thanos's army of this timeline travel to Main Timeline, where Thanos, Nebula and Thanos's army are killed. Cap later returns the stones but this timeline goes forward without Thanos, Nebula and Gamora.
Timeline 6: Captain America goes back to the 40's and lives a long and happy life with Peggy. Cap returns to the main timeline to say farewell to Bucky and Sam after Peggy presumably dies.
As is made clear in the film, you cannot change the past. The past remains the same no matter what. The time travel rules from other movies don't apply to the MCU. Instead, you create a different timeline. The timeline you originated from still exists. The changes the Avengers make in the past have no effect on the future they came from.
Radically DIFFERENT approach from the Fox X-Men Main Universe, where the timeline is revised twiceand we got three timelines for the same universe:
Timeline 1: X-Men Origins: Wolverine; X-Men; X2; X-Men: The Last Stand; Logan.
Timeline 2: X-Men: First Class; revised movies; The Wolverine (2008); Days of Future Past 2023.
Timeline 3: X-Men: First Class; Days of Future Past 1973; X-Men: Apocalypse; Dark Phoenix; The New Mutants; DOFP New 2023.
The Deadpool movies are set in an alternate universe.