I got the bp quewt season for my 3 year old son. I never watched the original seasons so I can't judge but with that said.... Thor and his voice are perfect and remind me of comic book Thor. I fux with chris hemsworth but he never really talked or seemed as forceful as Thor. He seems like a lighter more comedic version within the MCU. This series Thor ain't on no bullshyt. Bp voice, deameanor and smarts are also way better than the MCU version. The MCU version doesn't seem as smart, sure and calculated as the comics. This cartoon version tho

, bp quest black panther was ready for anything. Even setting up and installing escape plans at avengers tower and creating weapons to neutralize other super heroes just in case of any bullshyt. A true 5 moves ahead chess playing mind. these situations remind me of batman, how the batman tas gave us a batman that was a damn near genius level detective that could stand on his own. Meanwhile the dark knight series batman (great movies) gave us a batman that very much needed support from L.Fox, Alfredo and Jim gordon to help with gadgets and detective work. Like seriously why is Alfred old ass schoolin batman on undrrstanding the jokers mindset