Avengers: Age Of Ultron - Official Thread *Spoilers*

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
I think Scarlett Witch takes over and has him fighting Tony against his will

I think Scarlet Witch will do something to his mind to make him go on a rampage. Iron Man comes in with the Hulkbuster, Hulk sees the Hulkbuster and really loses it which leads to the fight. Gotta a big feeling Hulk's gonna tear that suit apart and come close to killing Stark:whoo:


Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
....I never said a movie couldn't be good with a weak villain. I love Guardians but the villain is weak as hell to me, didn't take away my love of the movie one bit. If you're movie is going to be a character study, like Iron Man 3, then the villain is kinda superfluous in my mind because you're really trying to break this character down and understand what makes them tick......
..... I don't want to be in a movie where you're telling me how dope Ronan is and how threatening he is and then it ends up being a :yawn:It's a lot of telling rather than a lot of showing
be real breh, you just gave Iron Man 3 a pass when Its the same thing for Guardians... it was a character study, Ronan was superfluous & could be replaced by any decent villain, hell Nebula or the Black Goon coulda done most that shyt wit Ronan only showin up at the end & itd be the same.... all he was there for was to be a plot device to introduce Thanos & give the Guardians a common foe... He did that...
I liked Ronin and felt he was more than capable bad guy. Phyiscally he was a threat beyond anything the heroes could match individually or as a team. They literally had to him with a spaceship, a cannon and the infinity gem just to beat him, I don't think him NOT being a threat on that level is valid. As far as his character, I felt they explained his motivations as a religious fanatic and ties with the "ultimate evil" in the universe were explained well. I'm at a loss as to what people actually wanted from him.... The movie is called "Guardians of the Galaxy" not "Ronin The Accuser"....
Exactly, i for one thought Ronan was pretty dope & wanna see get more shine... only thing about him really disappointed me was the last fight... i thought hed get disarmed & have to throw hands before he got hit wit the gem... thats my main gripe wit most the Marvel villains, the final showin could be a lot better handled...
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What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Kind of disagree with you there, breh.

Both the hero and villain are important, but they don't have to be equal sides. Like RDJ completely outshined every villain he had in his movies, but Joker completely outshined Batman in TDK. Rambo outshined his villians, John Matrix did as well, etc.

To me, it depends on what kind of story you are trying to tell. I feel like a lot of cats are either limiting their perspective on what a good movie could be or completely biased to what they like in a movie. We all have different preferences, but the movie I choose to watch is what it's billed as. When I go see an Iron Man movie, I want to see IRON MAN, fukk a villain. TDK was basically a Joker movie, which was great but Batman was close to a non factor in it. When I go see a Rocky movie, I want to see a movie about ROCKY, not specifically about everyone else.

And keeping it real, I had absolutely no problem with Loki, Ronan, Winter Solder, Iron Monger or most of the marvel villains, but they mostly all pale in comparison to the Joker, but each and every one of Marvel's heroes outshine Baleman too. I think its more about what you are looking for in the movie.
be real breh, you just gave Iron Man 3 a pass when Its the same thing for Guardians... it was a character study, Ronan was superfluous & could be replaced by any decent villain, hell Nebula or the Black Goon coulda done most that shyt wit Ronan only showin up at the end & itd be the same.... all he was there for was to be a plot device to introduce Thanos & give the Guardians a common foe... He did that...

Exactly, i for one thought Ronan was pretty dope & wanna see get more shine... only thing about him really disappointed me was the last fight... i thought hed get disarmed & have to throw hands before he got hit wit the gem... thats my main gripe wit most the Marvel villains, the final showin could be a lot better handled...

Ehhh was it though? i didn't see it as a character study at all. It wasn't examining anything on the level of Tony without the suit and what that means and if he can lead a normal life and why he's traumatized and what his issues are in his life etc. It didn't delve that deep in anyone's psychology. But that's to be expected, it's part 1 of a series, not part 3, so you don't have the freedom to explore it to that magnitude but I don't see it as a character study :whoknows:
Sep 12, 2013
I felt like we didn't get much Batman, and I still feel Baleman wasn't a great representative of the Batman character (WHERE were the detective skills?!?) but that's an argument for another day...
And Batman is not supposed to be charismatic but Bruce Wayne is. Maybe I'm nitpicking here myself, but as a fan of the characters in the comics, I often get disappointed when the character that translates to the big screen is nothing like the character I read about. To me, it defeats the point of using the character. :manny:

that is because nolan's batman is more of a re-imagining than it is a direct adaptation. the batman as we know him, the one from the comics, could not exist in the real world. that is why he fights crime in gotham city and not new york or chicago, because he exists in a fantasy world meant to mirror our own.

nolan tried to tell a story about batman that was set in the real world, and so naturally he had to strip the character of some of his more godly traits and bring him back down to a more human level. and let's give him credit for that because that was a very bold and ambitious move.

but yes i do think it is time for us to finally witness the batman in all his glory, the way he was meant to be seen. when you watch a marvel movie you do not feel as if you are watching anyone's version of the character. that's what i want for batman. not burton's batman, not nolan's batman... just batman.


Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
Ehhh was it though? i didn't see it as a character study at all. It wasn't examining anything on the level of Tony without the suit and what that means and if he can lead a normal life and why he's traumatized and what his issues are in his life etc. It didn't delve that deep in anyone's psychology. But that's to be expected, it's part 1 of a series, not part 3, so you don't have the freedom to explore it to that magnitude but I don't see it as a character study :whoknows:
it delved into Gamora & her history wit Thanos, thats the only reason i dont say Nebula shoulda been booted for more Ronan, the scorned sister shyts relevant... the Ravagers go into Quills history & upbringin, road to bein a respected leader, wit the endin mention his fathers bounty, which will probably be big in Guardians 2... it touched on Drax family dyin & his quest for revenge, by the end he understands his shortcomings & friendship but now wants Thanos dead... touched on the skills & intelligence of Rocket & how he feels about his creation & how people viewed him to finally havin people respect him.... Groot had one of the deepest moments of the movie wit only 3 words "WE ARE GROOT" even wit limited vocab you understood him... they went into everybody psychology & wit the time they had i think they did everybody justice...

Tony was stand alone so you could focus just on him, plus he had 2 movies to build on & even though i thought the twist was actually entertainin the final villain was lame... Ronan suffered, i agree, but if Marvel had rights to their other aliens races, he wouldnt even have been in the movie... i get what youre sayin but if Ironman 3 gets a pass, this most def needs that same pass...

but yes i do think it is time for us to finally witness the batman in all his glory, the way he was meant to be seen. when you watch a marvel movie you do not feel as if you are watching anyone's version of the character. that's what i want for batman. not burton's batman, not nolan's batman... just batman.

i agree wit you... eveytime Batman comes out its someones vision of who he should be... i just hope they can make Batman more mobile & athletic... hes been stiff in every variation & thats why the villains always look better on fight scenes...
May 11, 2012
I think Scarlet Witch will do something to his mind to make him go on a rampage. Iron Man comes in with the Hulkbuster, Hulk sees the Hulkbuster and really loses it which leads to the fight. Gotta a big feeling Hulk's gonna tear that suit apart and come close to killing Stark:whoo:

Black Widow will save Stark before Hulk turns him into mush.

They say Banner/Hulk's been working on some kind of technique to recognize Widow when shyt hits the fan....still feeling bad about attacking her in the 1st Avengers.

I think that's why she's grabbing Hulks hand in the trailer.Nothing could stop him..only Widow's presence.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Black Widow will save Stark before Hulk turns him into mush.

They say Banner/Hulk's been working on some kind of technique to recognize Widow when shyt hits the fan....still feeling bad about attacking her in the 1st Avengers.

I think that's why she's grabbing Hulks hand in the trailer.Nothing could stop him..only Widow's presence.
makes no damn sense

the first one he's a raving lunatic that can't control it for a second.. he gets mad and ends up fukking her up and thor and jet pilots and probably would have destroyed everything

20 mins later he rides in on his bike and know exactly who to harm and who to listen to and who not to fight

then this movie he's back to mindless idiot hulk


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
makes no damn sense

the first one he's a raving lunatic that can't control it for a second.. he gets mad and ends up fukking her up and thor and jet pilots and probably would have destroyed everything

20 mins later he rides in on his bike and know exactly who to harm and who to listen to and who not to fight

then this movie he's back to mindless idiot hulk

He could control it in the first one, it's just that it took a lot of strength to suppress/control it and he lost it once Loki started manipulating him with his staff.

Also, it's not yet revealed whether Hulk will be mindless in this one or if he'll be under control again and/or screwed over by Tony.
May 11, 2012
makes no damn sense

the first one he's a raving lunatic that can't control it for a second.. he gets mad and ends up fukking her up and thor and jet pilots and probably would have destroyed everything

20 mins later he rides in on his bike and know exactly who to harm and who to listen to and who not to fight

then this movie he's back to mindless idiot hulk

I believe Loki's scepter was fukking with his mind and caused him to lose control.

This time around, it might be Scarlet Witch twisting him up


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
I believe Loki's scepter was fukking with his mind and caused him to lose control.

This time around, it might be Scarlet Witch twisting him up

We have answers to both of those from the footage released the last couple days.

In the Thanos teaser leading up to the "Infinity Wars" announcement, they show Loki's staff along with the Aether, the Power Gem from "GOTG", etc. So that's definitely the Mind Gem.

In the new "Age Of Ultron" footage shown at the event yesterday, Tony and Cap are talking about how Scarlett Witch showed them their "dark sides" and basically tore the team apart.

I assume this is directly after Hulk goes nuts.
