here we go again
I'm just saying, people are trying to shyt on TDK trilogy like it didn't change the game or like it didn't have better villains, better story, better acting, better directing etc. than any of the MCU films.
Ronan, Ultron, Malekith, don't even belong in the same conversation as The Joker, Bane, Scarecrow, or Ra's Al Ghul. None of these television directors are in the same league as Nolan. The Winter Soldier is the one MCU film that was the closest in quality, but even that fell short.
Walking out of TDKR was the only time I was NOT disappointed that a sequel wasn't as good as its predecessor, simply because TDK had raised the bar so damn high that even a movie that wasn't quite as good was still damn good.
MCU on Rotten Tomatoes:
Iron Man 93%
Iron Man 2 73%
Thor 77%
Captain America 79%
The Avengers 92%
Iron Man 3 79%
Thor 2 66%
Captain America 2 89%
Guardians of the Galaxy 91%
Avengers 2 (so far) 72%
Average MCU Rotten Tomatoes score: 81%
Factoring in "The Incredible Hulk" lowers the score to 79%
TDK trilogy on Rotten Tomatoes:
Batman Begins 85%
The Dark Knight 94%
The Dark Knight Rises 88%
Average TDK trilogy score: 89%
TDK Trilogy > MCU