From what I've heard of this, doesn't Ava end it by basically saying she's not a huge fan of Hillary and the Clintons based on the 94, but she gives her props for acknowledging the law went way too far? And also would rather have her in office than Trump because she can at least have a conversation about race rather than pretend it doesn't exists and knows the woman based on conversations they've had? Therefore she's voting for her because voting for Trump would set the race back by three or more decades. So does that make her a c00n as well?
Also, and I know this isn't higher learning but let me drop this: there are many black members of congress and the senate and even our parents who bear a lot to blame on the 94 bill. My friends and I spoke to my dad about it and he and my mom were completely down for it at the time, just like a lot of other black parents who wanted to protect their kids. They moved out of DC to the suburbs just to escape that crime and not have to raise their son in an environment where he could walk down the street and possibly not make it home. He says they didn't foresee the ills that would come from it because they had no way of seeing it coming and that most in the country didn't. They wanted a quick solution and they were afraid and they, along with republicans and democrats -- a lot of members of the CBC and NAACP included -- but pressure on Bill to get something done and be tough.