I will not stand for my blackness being questioned by high yellow online fire-breathing fake militants.
I will not stand for my blackness being questioned by high yellow online fire-breathing fake militants.
I don't agree with boycotting....
I believe in making a PUBLIC STATEMENT (not no goddamn annonymous quotes) and go out and play ANGRY...
If the clips had any balls on em, ANY SELF PRIDE, they would come out and shyt on Sterling Publicly, and then go out and win the next 2 games by 30 each.
Play ANGRY.. Don't let the cracker force you to boycott.... He will be dealt with accordingly...
But ANYONE who is black and doesn't make a public statement is certified bytch, and won't be able to look themselves in the mirror 10 years down the line... like, "Damn I really got owned like a cracker.. This what Kanye meant by New Slaves"
sup with the name calling breh?I bet everyone of those c00nS for the clips play tomorrow.
Bold is true they going to be less stupid than Sterling was to get caught saying stupid ass stuff esp to his "girlfriend" who seems like she the type to do this anyway. It was like he knew he was being taped by not saying nikka to soften the blow but still stupid enough to not just stop commenting on blacks period. That's common sense 101 but we all know common sense ain't common. Its things even we say now but wouldn't say if we know we in the spotlightIn all honesty, nothing will change.
This should make racist ppl see how ignorant/backwards their thinking is, but it won't.
All it does is make them think Sterling is an idiot for allowing himself to get caught and embarrassed like this.
There are some white ppl that really & truly believe they are superior ppl b/c everything in the world caters to them, every CEO you see in America is white, etc. It's flawed thinking and it won't change for many of them.
I understand the point you're trying to make but that statement is false. For example the Mcdonald's CEO is black.
Just so they can't run with that false narrative.:screamina:
All there hard work under MassaTo quit now would fukk with all the hard work they've made this season.
Ali refused to be inducted into the armed forces, stating publicly that, "no Vietcong ever called me ******." He was systematically denied a boxing license in every state and stripped of his passport. As a result, he did not fight from March 1967 to October 1970—from ages 25 to almost 29—as his case worked its way through the appeal process. In 1971, the US Supreme Court overturned his conviction in a unanimous 8-0 ruling (Thurgood Marshall abstained from the case).
During this time of inactivity, as opposition to the Vietnam War began to grow and Ali's stance gained sympathy, he spoke at colleges across the nation, criticizing the Vietnam War and advocating African American pride and racial justice.
Mandela and his co-accused were transferred from Pretoria to the prison on Robben Island, remaining there for the next 18 years.[135] Isolated from non-political prisoners in Section B, Mandela was imprisoned in a damp concrete cell measuring 8 feet (2.4 m) by 7 feet (2.1 m), with a straw mat on which to sleep.[136] Verbally and physically harassed by several white prison wardens, the Rivonia Trial prisoners spent their days breaking rocks into gravel, until being reassigned in January 1965 to work in a lime quarry. Mandela was initially forbidden to wear sunglasses, and the glare from the lime permanently damaged his eyesight.[137] At night, he worked on his LLB degree, but newspapers were forbidden, and he was locked in solitary confinement on several occasions for possessing smuggled news clippings.[138] Classified as the lowest grade of prisoner, Class D, he was permitted one visit and one letter every six months, although all mail was heavily censored.
btw Sterling is still trending on twitter![]()
btw Sterling is still trending on twitter![]()
like what? Sterling ain't playing. He's looking into it. That's all he can do in the here and now.Adam silver better do something fast
Sure, but I can't put the players in that hot seat and fault them if they don't make the decision we want.
Sterling's BEEN a know bigot, but players knew this. If they didn't have a platinum set of balls to avoid Sterling and his team at all costs then, it's not gonna all of a sudden happen now in the middle of the playoffs.
If they wanna do what it takes to leave that situation (if they can, a lot of those guys are locked up a long time), then no one will blame them, but I also understand if they wanna continue to play as a team.