The racism in vogue these days is one in which people turn logic and speech inside out and upside down in order to avoid bringing up race while clearly discussing race.. It's bizarre. I have no issue with blacks as people... But I hate the NBA and I think hockey players are better people than basketball players. I have no issue with black people, but I don't consider rap to be music and I demand it be turned off. It's so twisted.
I've watched white dudes walk into bars when the NBA playoffs are on and proclaim, loudly, to strangers, "I wish hockey was on, I hate watching this shyt." I've gone into bars that had a 50-50 split of customers who were interested in hockey and basketball playoffs but hockey was on all 7 televisions, and paying customers had to harass the bartender into reluctantly putting the NBA on just one of the TVs. I've had to argue with a bartender to show an NBA game 7 over a meaningless early season baseball game between two bum teams.
Or there's the completely insane brand of racism in which racism has been redefined so that nothing outside of a lynching is racist to certain people. I call it hashtag racism. You see it on twitter all the time. Cats will hit you with some wild shyt like black people please stop acting like gorillas just because you look like them! #notracist