People don't understand this. nikkas were so concerned about a championship that they had no real chance at getting but that even if they did in the end meant very little to a larger part of their life. Their race, their integrity, their pride as men.
Its deeper than most Black people understand unfortunately, and the failure to boycott from the beginning put all things right back into place to stay the exact same as it was before, but with the racism even more cautious and covert. Put it like this: there's a reason why on all the networks especially espn they've been going out of their way to praise one man even more than Silver: Doc Rivers. Because Doc Rivers is exactly the type of negro who took exactly the type of actions that they love and can deal with with all their money and power. A complacent motherfukker.
This man had the ability to easily convince his entire team to not play, thereby force the hand of the league and essentially have Black players and staff control the entire narrative of this issue. And what did he do but go in there and tell his players to carry on business as usual, and continue to line the pockets of the man who just called them slaves. He even expressed his discontent at the weak ass silent protest the players did because it 'distracted from the game'. But I can't say I'm surprised. Look at his wife. Ultimately, that complacence is exactly what whites in power need to empower them even more.