Ghostface Trillah
God-level poster
I just feel like people are under the impression that the season and these games don't matter to them. Like, "they could boycott this game, and then if Sterling gets fired, they can try to win the series after."
A better question probably would have been "What if this was game 7 of the NBA Finals? Would people want them to boycott and forfeit?"
This is bigger than a basketball game but people keep trying to act like its just a basketball game. It's past being about the game. This is one of those history defining moments for the black athlete/black man in america. The league wouldn't let them forfeit the game, it would be an even bigger shyt storm, the NBA making them take a loss cause their boss was caught saying racist remarks about basically them. Like I said Silver would've been in LA on the first thing smoking trying to get the players on the court and cut all ties to sterling as quickly as possible. Not a phone call on some was it you shyt.
When the eventual 30 for 30 drops on this game I guarantee all the clippers look back and say I wish I had took a stand and sat out. They showed Silver they mean giving him a game and the worst part is chris paul is the leader of the players. 40 million dollar slaves.
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