Atlanta: The Final Season | Official Thread | FX & Hulu


May 1, 2012
That story of the TSA worker reminds me of some of my white coworkers at a college job I had. I had a job writing parking tickets on campus at my college. I only took the job so that I could get some tickets waived and wrote the bare minimum amount of tickets it took to keep the job. Hell I was so lax at the job that I used to come in after hours and steal some of my coworker's tickets and rewrite them in my name and toss theirs.

Most of the other workers felt the same. We used the job to drive around looking at women most of the day including a bunch of the white dudes that worked there. We also memorized each other's cars so that we knew to skip each other's cars. There were these two white dudes that worked there that took that shyt too serious. They made it a mission to write as many tickets as possible. They stayed calling in cars license plates to try and have them towed. I had to stop one of my coworkers from laying hands on one of them cause we all told the white dude not to ticket a certain car and he made it a point to circle back and ticket it anyway. We asked all the time why they went so hard since it ain't like they receive any kick back from all the tickets they write or all the towings. I think it was because they were just losers in life using what little power they could exert to make other people as miserable as them. I wish I still knew the two dudes names as I could guarantee they are MAGA as hell.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
I think you missed the whole point. To me the point of the episode is that we become so fixated on revenge and on all the transgressions that we are physically harming our bodies with the stress and holding ourselves back from happiness. In Earn's situation he starts out saying how great is life is while it being obvious he isn't happy. He mentions how he has all these great things going on in his life but he can't even enjoy those great things due to being so caught up in the pettiness.

Basically fukked shyt will keep happening in our lives and if we spend all our time transfixed on those transgressions it will keep eating away at our health. This episode wasn't a pat on the back for Earn for acting on or being petty but more a PSA saying how we are killing ourselves fighting invisible enemies and how even if we get revenge it's a short lived happiness that is fleeting.

Don’t agree at all but to each their own regarding interpretation

Earn explicitly said during the therapy session that the only person he might trust is Darius. I think that was there intentionally. If I had a prediction for the season I could see Earn and Al having a falling out. With Earn's ego I think he credits himself for Al's success and probably doesn't think it's fair that he's the smart one and the one doing all the grinding while Al gets to be the famous one. Also the fact that Earn has grown so much and has other artists may lead to him big timing Al now that's bigger than him.

We’ll see. I highly doubt it as Earn and Al have already had their “falling out” in season 2 and I highly doubt they’ll retread that plot point again.

Also i’m about 99% sure Earn isn’t going to screw over Al at all.

But we’ve got an entire season to see whose right


Jul 31, 2014
That story of the TSA worker reminds me of some of my white coworkers at a college job I had. I had a job writing parking tickets on campus at my college. I only took the job so that I could get some tickets waived and wrote the bare minimum amount of tickets it took to keep the job. Hell I was so lax at the job that I used to come in after hours and steal some of my coworker's tickets and rewrite them in my name and toss theirs.

Most of the other workers felt the same. We used the job to drive around looking at women most of the day including a bunch of the white dudes that worked there. We also memorized each other's cars so that we knew to skip each other's cars. There were these two white dudes that worked there that took that shyt too serious. They made it a mission to write as many tickets as possible. They stayed calling in cars license plates to try and have them towed. I had to stop one of my coworkers from laying hands on one of them cause we all told the white dude not to ticket a certain car and he made it a point to circle back and ticket it anyway. We asked all the time why they went so hard since it ain't like they receive any kick back from all the tickets they write or all the towings. I think it was because they were just losers in life using what little power they could exert to make other people as miserable as them. I wish I still knew the two dudes names as I could guarantee they are MAGA as hell.
How many years back was this job?

Concerned Citizen

Stevie Wonder 2099
May 27, 2012
Just finished up season 3. Enjoyed it but not a fan of the standalone eps. Give Donald a fukking anthology series, call it “This Is America” and let him do his alt storytelling with that. It won’t even have him or the rest of the ATL cast so there are no time constraints or limits. I watch Atlanta for the cast of Atlanta.


Keep my name out of it
Apr 28, 2014
Did this season sneak up on anybody else? I'm used to seeing some announcements a month or several in advance. I'm sure they were out there and I just missed him. Looked up and seen it was premiering in a week :dead:

Anyways, ol lady with the wheel chair was cracking me up, but I didn't really "get" the first two episodes. Is the theme this season "Spite" tho? Cuz if Earn is going full villain then :leon: :whoo:

Tracy better stay sharp :ufdup: Muhfukka out here pullin "Ocean's Eleven" type schemes on his enemies :mjlol:


Feb 28, 2018
Did this season sneak up on anybody else? I'm used to seeing some announcements a month or several in advance. I'm sure they were out there and I just missed him. Looked up and seen it was premiering in a week :dead:

Anyways, ol lady with the wheel chair was cracking me up, but I didn't really "get" the first two episodes. Is the theme this season "Spite" tho? Cuz if Earn is going full villain then :leon: :whoo:

Tracy better stay sharp :ufdup: Muhfukka out here pullin "Ocean's Eleven" type schemes on his enemies :mjlol:
It came out quickly which def caught people off guard. Season 3 was really interesting creatively but I really love this OG Atlanta feel.

Return of the Jedi

Star Wars & Sneakers
Apr 30, 2012
The Anti-George Lucas Coalition
First two episodes was cool, was a little confused as to why the second episode was trying to make the viewer have sympathy for that white woman. I'm sure it will be explained in the replies of this thread.

Also as someone who goes to therapy IRL its funny how different film therapy is to the real thing. My therapist at the hospital I go to doesn't have a couch in their office and you can't lay on the floor :russ:
I don’t think the intent was to make the viewer have “sympathy” for the white TSA chick, but rather, to be disturbed at Earn for destroying her life. That was sociopathic. A lot of ya’ll will disagree with me, but that’s not how a mentally stable person resolves a conflict.

I feel like the show went out of its way to show that she was a racist loser before Earn went all in on her; she was older, single, still in an apartment, likely owed her friend money, never achieved her dream of becoming a children’s book author…I dunno if I believe in karma, but if I did, I would assume it has visited her long before Earn did.


Feb 17, 2017
Nah bro, you can see Lisa as a racist bytch who deserves nothing and still think Earn's behavior was sociopathic which is why Alfred called him crazy and left and even Darius couldn't look at him. Darius is the most empathetic character on the show and in a lot of ways is pure, and he didn't have time for it.
Because they have zero idea or understanding of Earn's rooted pain. Pain that he knows he can't share with them because they would be dismissive about it.

A big problem in the Black community now.