Atheists, Evolutionists, Darwinists are the worst!!

May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
Talking out ya ass with petty insults is still not proof breh :pachaha:

nikka talking bout studies but can't provide any foh :skip:

I'm not talking about 'studies' because to me that marginalizes the concept of proof. Like some guy in a lab can run a few tests to prove evolution.

In reality, there is a complex web of evidence that all points back to the same conclusion...that evolution is true, and human beings are just part of that evolution.

Here is a book that you could read that provides a great introduction to evolution.:
[ame=]Why Evolution Is True: Jerry A. Coyne: 9780143116646: Books[/ame]

The chances of you purchasing it are close to zero I'm sure, and the chances of you reading it and actually paying attention and analyzing it are even lower.

There are many other books on the subject...some better, some worse. But this provides some good starter insight.
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
I'm not talking about 'studies' because to me that marginalizes the concept of proof. Like some guy in a lab can run a few tests to prove evolution.

In reality, there is a complex web of evidence that all points back to the same conclusion...that evolution is true, and human beings are just part of that evolution.

Here is a book that you could read that provides a great introduction to evolution.:
Why Evolution Is True: Jerry A. Coyne: 9780143116646: Books

The chances of you purchasing it are close to zero I'm sure, and the chances of you reading it and actually paying attention and analyzing it are even lower.

There are many other books on the subject...some better, some worse. But this provides some good starter insight.

I have a book for you too How bout we both read up


But I doubt you will read it. Having Darwin himself discrediting his own theory is not a good look.


All Star
Jul 26, 2012
I can admit when I'm not as knowledgable to a subject so I did some research. Turns out you were right bout the difference between the 2. However it turns out that like I said scientific theories are no more than conjectures. To make it worse Dawinism has yet to be proven as a conjecture. So Yes my stance still stand.

conjecture :rudy:

this is what's wrong with the American education system :what:


The Kang
May 1, 2012
7mile to SE & Uptown!
I like the discussion going on in here but just like the discussion I had early it leads to a bunch of panties in bunches and name calling. These guys are heretics in regards to their beliefs. I'm about to post some of their statements and it just get ridiculous :beli:
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
I like the discussion going on in here but just like the discussion I had early it leads to a bunch of panties in bunches and name calling. These guys are heretics in regards to their beliefs. I'm about to post some of their statements and it just get ridiculous :beli:

Ain't never seen angrier nikkas than internet atheist. :skip:
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
I have a book for you too How bout we both read up


But I doubt you will read it. Having Darwin himself discrediting his own theory is not a good look.

I don't give a fukk what Darwin has to say about evolution. The Origin of Species was merely a gateway for greater scientific understanding of evolution.

What I care about is the incredible mountain of evidence that has been gathered in the 150 years since then, in a time where scientific understanding and scrutiny has continued to grow at a rapid pace.

Trying to get me to read a propaganda piece like that as some sort of "proof" contrary to evolution is equivalent to finding some journal scribblings from Peter Higgs in the 70's where he wonders if his mysterious boson particle isn't just a figment of his imagination.
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
I don't give a fukk what Darwin has to say about evolution. The Origin of Species was merely a gateway for greater scientific understanding of evolution.

What I care about is the incredible mountain of evidence that has been gathered in the 150 years since then, in a time where scientific understanding and scrutiny has continued to grow at a rapid pace.

Trying to get me to read a propaganda piece like that as some sort of "proof" contrary to evolution is equivalent to finding some journal scribblings from Peter Higgs in the 70's where he wonders if his mysterious boson particle isn't just a figment of his imagination.

I knew you was going to go on a Rant. GTFOH :skip:

Evolution as a whole has many principles that are and can be discredited. It is but a model on how life started not fact stop trying to push it as that untill it is proven.

The objective thing to do is accept all other possible model on the concept of life and view it in a vacuum but that would hinder pushing your ideology down nikkas throat.

Funny how all you evolutionist are so close minded. :mjpls:


The Kang
May 1, 2012
7mile to SE & Uptown!
long read but :skip:
Poor kid. What happened?
9 hours ago via mobile · Like
Craig gawd made him
9 hours ago · Like
Raquelle "May god relief this boy from this pain if you have a heart"

More like "may god relieve this boy of this pain if god has a heart (or exists)"

People who like that fb post or comment "amen" really think they have some kind of special powers, huh?
9 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3
Craig yeah like they're casting good spells or something.
9 hours ago · Like · 3
Rod Well Craig is it better to assume he evolved???
8 hours ago · Like
Jordan Yes, Rod it is. It's better to assume is was a random and unfortunate genetic mutation than intentionally put in place by a (therefore) evil god. But this looks like a lymph node infection to me.
7 hours ago · Like
Rod Well it looks like photoshop to me "kanyeshrug" lol
7 hours ago · Like
Jordan regardless of whether or not it is, situations like this occur all the time.
7 hours ago · Like
Rod I personally think some of you all take stuff to's not you or your people so thank "somebody" that it didn't personally affect YOU or YOURS. Religious folks and the Science crowd can be overbearing
7 hours ago · Like
Rod So what's the point of blaming either side in a situation such as this kid?
7 hours ago · Like
Jordan it's a disproof of a personal god. And a brilliantly simple one at that
7 hours ago · Like
Rod On that note I'm done...rather watch project X and laugh at "evolution" that debate a kid with fat ass legs...enjoy life. That is all.
7 hours ago · Like · 1
Jordan weak.
Run away! - Monty Python and the Holy Grail - YouTube
Run away! - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The knights of the round table fleeing the killer rabbit.
7 hours ago · Like
Rod smh
7 hours ago · Like
Rod Seriously isn't it better things to do at 3:30 in the morning.
7 hours ago · Like
Jordan but you have the opportunity to learn something here.
7 hours ago · Like
Felica @Rod that is were you got it all wrong. We are all linked one way or another in this world, and just to know this little child is suffering with pain is heart wrenching for me. I can only image how he feels and what he is going through. I cry over a hang nail or twisted ankle...being a empathetic person is more than I can say for that non existing god people pray to. No it is not my direct family, but I still have compassion for him.
7 hours ago · Like · 1
Mark Rod your whole body is evolving so keep on laughing at project x.
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod Got a lot of love for Craig but I on the wrong page at 3:30 on a Friday morning where it's a debate about a kid with an obvious genetic condition where it becomes a debate on religion versus's sad for real. If you care so much then use "google" and find him and send him something to ease his pain. I seriously doubt he is really concerned about the 'argument' being raised here
7 hours ago · Like · 1
Rod Mark it's not going to evolve to the point I see much change before I'm covered in dirt. Stop it!
7 hours ago · Like
Mark It's not about religion vs evolution geez it's creation vs evolution get the analogy correct.
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod And why the hell are all you up this time of night fighting a "concept" anyway. Get a life. Or better yet evolve one! My fault Craig but they had it coming.
7 hours ago · Like
Rod Who cares!! In the end you are going to die! And evolve into worms and dirt. Debate that.
7 hours ago · Like
Jordan there's too much sorrow on this planet for me to be concerned about it. I'd go insane. However, you're attempting to use guilt to evade a critical failure of theism.
7 hours ago · Like · 2
Jordan You clearly don't understand evolution.
7 hours ago · Like
Rod You already insane Jordan.
7 hours ago · Like
Jordan ad hominem? You're new to this, aren't you?
7 hours ago · Like
Mark I see how people ignore there DNA but when it come solving a crime your it's best friend. And even who's the baby father lol
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Mark What's a concept rod ?
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod Go to bed...brush your teeth first. I'm done. I would rather enjoy my life than waste time with concepts that really don't matter. One way or another we will find out the truth but the truth is none of us will be able to come back and say whom was right. Sucks doesn't it.
7 hours ago · Like · 1
Mark What's a concept religion, god say it ?
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod Mark nothing you are saying makes much sense. Sorry. And don't attempt to come back and counter that you speaking on an higher level. It's all gibberish at this point.
7 hours ago · Like
Mark Make sense to me maybe you just don't get it
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Mark Whats a concept ?
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod Nope I don't get it...and I have actively studied both sides of your "fight" and that's the right thing to do. But at the end of the day I'm a person whom feels that you should allow a person the "right" to follow whatever fits THEM
7 hours ago · Like
Jordan concepts that don't matter. HAH. What I really can't understand is why any African American would even want to defend the religious doctrine that condoned their kidnapping and forced emigration from Africa. These concepts do matter because, as the greatest essayist in the English language ever, Christopher Hitchens, Said, "I'm absolutely convinced that the number one source of hatred in the world is religion, and organized religion, and it should be treated with hatred, and contempt, and I claim that right".
7 hours ago · Like · 2
Mark If I'm speaking to a higher level you'll answer the ?
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod I see the "theist" argument and most of you all come off as Heretic...which as strange cause you don't support religion
7 hours ago · Like
Mark For real Jordon
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod evolution is a concept
7 hours ago · Like
Mark Wrong
7 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Mark Evolution is fact
7 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Mark God is a concept get your shyt correct higher lever
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod never said I was a higher read my statement wrong sir
7 hours ago · Like
Mark Rod " Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations.
7 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Mark Yeah you did !!!
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod but you are the one sitting here at 3:30 passionately fighting over evolution vs. religion...I'm drinking a beer watching project x talking to a chick! I win!
7 hours ago · Like
Mark It's not evolution over religion geez lol
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod where did I say I'm on a higher level...y'all been typing to much for me to read that far up.
7 hours ago · Like
Jordan no you don't because you're still wrong.
7 hours ago · Like
Mark Oh my bad ill take that back
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Mark But Evolution is a fact rod read up on it. Or ask your doctor next time
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod take what back Mark?
7 hours ago · Like
Rod I don't believe in doctors
7 hours ago · Like
Jordan don't.... believe... in... doctors.... are you trying to be edgy, or what?
7 hours ago · Like · 2
Rod and evolution is not a's darwinism
7 hours ago · Like
Mark The level comment
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Jordan darwinism is a fact.
7 hours ago · Like
Rod what was the level comment.
7 hours ago · Like
Mark Evolution surpass Darwin dude where have you been lol
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Jordan darwinism was a fact 150 years ago and the evidence has just gotten better and better.
6 hours ago · Like · 2
Mark Evolution is in the DNA it's genetic
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod Walls it's a lot of holes in darwin's "theory" as well as the bible
6 hours ago · Like
Jordan name one hole.
6 hours ago · Like
Rod i wasn't born until the 70's Mark...damn
6 hours ago · Like
Mark What holes ?
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod Are we still evolving and if so the into what?
6 hours ago · Like
Mark That's why I said you are evolving. Aging is a part of human evolution
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod but we evolve from fish to monkey to homo sapien right?
6 hours ago · Like
Mark Evolution is a slow process maybe next 100,000 years
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod stop it Mark.
6 hours ago · Like
Rod Walls that's your safe answer
6 hours ago · Like
Jordan our evolutionary process has been sharply diminished by egalitarian human rights movements and societal culture. I have no clue what we'll evolve into and I don't need to know in order to vindicate the theory. What I can say is that some traits, like HIV resistance in African populations, will quickly dominate the population. Or Kidneys better apt at removing salt from the body in North American Populations.
6 hours ago · Like · 1
Mark 70 percent sea water 98% Dna match with apes ah yeah
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod where's the proof that we are still evolving
6 hours ago · Like
Jordan If you need proof we're still evolving, look at the two instances above.
6 hours ago · Like · 1
Mark I said aging
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod Your leaders are going to blow this bytch up anyway. Put half the energy into stopping the "MASSA'S" as you are into this fight and this world might end up a better place
6 hours ago · Like
Mark From a infant to teenager to adult and senior and then death lol
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Jordan that's... not a relevant argument.
6 hours ago · Like
Mark You mean Christian yeah
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod right now I could said forget religion and evolution cause neither come into effect for my day to day or yours
6 hours ago · Like
Rod but I bet you not fighting the corrupt systems in play
6 hours ago · Like
Mark And what leaders are you talking about
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Jordan really? I have gay friends in the US who can`t get married because of religion.
6 hours ago · Like · 1
Rod stop acting ignorant now
6 hours ago · Like
Mark Dude religion is the problem
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod I don't care about them being able to get married or not
6 hours ago · Like
Rod Walls who needs marriage to justify your love anyway
6 hours ago · Like · 2
Mark What leaders are you talking about ?
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Jordan ANNNND now you`re a totally bigotted a$$hole. Nice job.
6 hours ago · Like · 1
Rod you know dam well what leaders!!
6 hours ago · Like
Mark I agree with that rod
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod how am I a bigot?
6 hours ago · Like
Mark Who name them
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Jordan you don`t care whther gays can get married because it`s not your problem
6 hours ago · Like
Rod every leader of the "free" nations
6 hours ago · Like
Mark What leaders are referring to the government
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod I don't care whomever can get married
6 hours ago · Like
Rod if I love someone then I love them
6 hours ago · Like
Rod among others
6 hours ago · Like
Mark Talking about America
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod and I served military time
6 hours ago · Like
Rod hated it
6 hours ago · Like
Jordan but you couldn't give two shyts about other peoples' rights?
6 hours ago · Like · 1
Mark America is a Christian nation
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
I knew you was going to go on a Rant. GTFOH :skip:

Evolution as a whole has many principles that are and can be discredited. It is but a model on how life started not fact stop trying to push it as that untill it is proven.

The objective thing to do is accept all other possible model on the concept of life and view it in a vacuum but that would hinder pushing your ideology down nikkas throat.

Funny how all you evolutionist are so close minded. :mjpls:



The Kang
May 1, 2012
7mile to SE & Uptown!
Now it just gets weird :merchant:
Rod rights have been taking for granted in my society forever!
7 hours ago · Like · 1
Jordan not they haven't. Because my friends can't get married. Marriage is a right.
7 hours ago · Like
Rod cause unfortunately I'm a product of the inner city and the issues are WAYYY bigger than some damn religion
7 hours ago · Like · 1
Rod I don't care if your friend can't get married!!
7 hours ago · Like
Jordan because you're a bigotted a$$hole
7 hours ago · Like
Jordan "i don't care if women can vote!"
7 hours ago · Like
Rod how am I a bigot jordan
7 hours ago · Like
Jordan "I don't care if black people are equal to whites!"
7 hours ago · Like
Mark Marriage I don't care about but someone rights I do care. Gays should have the same rights like everybody else in this country.
7 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Jordan are you seeing it yet?
7 hours ago · Like
Rod then they need to continue to fight
7 hours ago · Like
Jordan what. The. fukk.
7 hours ago · Like
Rod jordan are you gay??
7 hours ago · Like
Mark Now god, don't exist but I learn he's my best friend now lol
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod to be honest I think you are way more bigoted than I am
7 hours ago · Like
Jordan your orgininal point is that we shouldn't care about religion because it doesn't affect our daily lives. I just proved it did. You may offer your concession here.
7 hours ago · Like
Rod nah...if they feel that strong then go to a state that allows it.
6 hours ago · Like
Jordan no, I'm not gay. I'm fiercely defensive of the rights of people.
6 hours ago · Like
Jordan that's what they do. It's an injustice that they have to.
6 hours ago · Like
Rod hell I'm black and my grandparents had to fight to vote and got persecuted wayyyy more than gays
6 hours ago · Like
Jordan no they didn't
6 hours ago · Like
Rod so if they want it then keep fighting...right?
6 hours ago · Like
Mark Well rod they want the whole United States and I support them.
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rod what!!!!!!
6 hours ago · Like
Jordan your people weren't murdered for simply being black. Gay people were.
6 hours ago · Like
Rod they wasn't!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 hours ago · Like
Jordan yes. They were
6 hours ago · Like
6 hours ago · Like · 1
Jordan learn history.
6 hours ago · Like
Rod Jordan what drugs are you on.
6 hours ago · Like
Rod blacks are STILL getting murdered for being BLACK!!!
6 hours ago · Like · 1
Rod Sit your ass down
6 hours ago · Like
Jordan African Americans had to undergo horrible oppression under the hands of white slave owners. It was a terrible crime against humanity. They didn't undergo state-sponsored genocide.
6 hours ago · Like · 1
Rod you are a clown...and you only saying that shyt cause you not african american
6 hours ago · Like
Jordan no, because I value facts and clearly know more about your own history than you do.
6 hours ago · Like
Mark This is what black are being kill for " Racism is usually defined as views, practices and actions reflecting the belief that humanity is divided into distinct biological groups called races and that members of a certain race share certain attributes which make that group as a whole less desirable, more desirable, inferior or superior.
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Jordan it was never a crime punishable in the US to be black. It was only a crime to disobey your owner. It's pretty bad, but not as bad as genocide.
6 hours ago · Like · 1
Jordan I don't think you're getting that I'm not sympathizing with slave owners and racists here.
6 hours ago · Like
Mark So Rod you like evolution you still think it's a concept ?
6 hours ago via mobile · Like
Jordan I think he went to bed
6 hours ago · Like · 1
Jordan Run away! - Monty Python and the Holy Grail - YouTube
Run away! - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The knights of the round table fleeing the killer rabbit.
6 hours ago · Like