An atheistic society will ultimately lead to Facism. Started with Lenin and ended with Stalin, Musseloini, Pot and Mao. Combined they killed over 100 million.
This is the reality of a society void of Any spiritual belief^^^^^^^^^^
Not to mention --- much of the ground work laid for our advancement has religion motivation and base to it. I know these people didn't discover shyt but many of them invented entire thoughts based on spiritual curiosity , for example many of the things we know about astrology, details of the human body, and mathematics.
Not to mention --- You are hard pressed to find an athiest charity or positive organization to donate to. Not that athiest are evil or that religious people are mostly nice .. The fact remains....... religious motivation does more good than harm 10/1..... if you are looking at quantity wise. For every religious cac that blow up an abortion clinic for example... you have Millions of religious crakkers feeding the homeless, donating to causes, going on marches and runs, taking care of random animals, cleaning up water in 8th world lands , and just helping people out.
for every 1 so called extreme 'islamist' ............. You have damn near all Muslims on Earth putting the Earth on their back aka some shyt that an atheist doesn't usually think about doing. A nice athiest might not do shyt to help anyone. I nice Muslim might not either........... but he still will because he has a push to do as much good in the world before he does........ along with a Billion others just like him.
Not to mention --- There are laws we like. there is order in societies. Despite each society being flawed......... fact remains damn near all of the bases of the majority of societies on Earth have been religion.
Some people will foolishly say ........ Everything will be better without religion, but those same people will say that nothing good has came from religion.
You can't have it both ways because
1) spirituality doesn't conflict with science and societal advancement (obviously , as nearly every discipline of science and most advancements were made by the religious or under the religious. )
2) "Religion is simply an ideal. It is an ideal force that tends to free the human being from material bonds. I do not believe that matter and energy are interchangeable, any more than are the body and soul. There is just so much matter in the universe and it cannot be destroyed. As I see life on this planet, there is no individuality. It may sound ridiculous to say so, but I believe each person is but a wave passing through space, ever-changing from minute to minute as it travels along, finally, some day, just becoming dissolved."