ATG - Anti Tranny Gang


Taxi Squad
Mar 27, 2014
i don't want to slap labels on people
but there's a lot of high volume & attention-grabbing male posters
with little to no interest in normal-cute to attractive women their own age and social standing

i just figured that's why they get so heavy into the internet in the first place
google now says thecoli is a top result for lgbt stuff (+hiphop)
personally i say just let them cook

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
Well... if you take something with no ass... a woman, a dude, a tree, a styrafoam cup, whatever really... and then you take reactive squishy sillicone filled water baloons or chicken cutlets, or whatever they use nowadays... then you slap them on the back of the tree or the cup or the woman or the dude... then you slab some thigh flesh over them, staple gun them in place, and post it on instagram for nikkas to thirst over... then one of those thirsty nikkas fukks the silicone chicken cutlet concoction you guys are calling 'ass'
:scust:...then whether that that 'ass' is on, be it a woman or a tree or a dude or that fresh white PAWG of a styrafoam cup... its all bad, cause you are still just sticking your dikk between chicken cutlets.

To be honest, I'd have more respect for a dude that just fukked another dude than a dude thats fukking a lab created monster. Whether the monster is genetically a dude or a chick is of little relevance at that point. Its not a dude or a chick anymore, its a thing.

Fake lips, fake t*ts, fake ass, fake nails, faking their voice, mutilated genetalia... throat procedures.. I mean, at some point you aren't a man or a woman anymore. You are just a pile of synthetic body parts.
So if somebody fukks you they aren't even fukking a person anymore. There is nothing stopping the dude that put that fake ass on nicki minaj from making another one and putting it on shaq's son, or chirs bosh, or whoever, cause its fake. And at that point who you are fukking isn't a who... its a what. They don't have to put it on anyone actually. You can probably just get it wrapped in a to go box.

One has a dikk you idiot :snoop: Neg this fakkit into oblivion