when hillary clinton defeated bernie sanders in the primary
when hillary clinton defeated bernie sanders in the primary
By the time of the primary.. yeah he wasn't getting stopped. Unless Kasich and Rubio dropped out to boost Cruz.
But I'm only taking about the time before the primary when you had way more in the running.
Trump wasn't some unstoppable force, they just let his momentum become too great. If they woulda made a bunch of those other repubs running drop out..they coulda got Trump out
You have a point. I think the GOP,just like the rest of us, didn't take him seriously till it was too late
when he didn't sink like a stone after grab 'em by the p*ssy.
like someone already mentioned, it was when "grab them by the p*ssy" didnt tank him
For me it was this moment
When comey made the announcement at the press conference, that's when I started doubting Clinton's
chances, before then, I thought she had it in the bag
what was the moment for you?
When you realized trump was doing two rallies a day in key states while hillary wasnt campaigning at all. She was doing fundraisers on.the coasts still
Would it be fair to say that that was the greatest norms-shattering event in American election history? Until that moment, I don't think anyone would have believed that a candidate could do something like that and still win. Now we are willing to believe anything - I mean "grab her by the p*ssy" seems tame compared to Trump's pandemic response, refusal to accept election results, and insurrection support....yet we're talking like he's a frontrunner for 2024 no matter what he does.
If it was reported tomorrow that Trump had punched Melania and given her a black eye, would it even affect his chances?
This was the moment. It was a lifeline to moderates to vote for Trump without feeling like complete racists.
When you realized trump was doing two rallies a day in key states while hillary wasnt campaigning at all. She was doing fundraisers on.the coasts still
While grab em by the p*ssy was more scandalous, the mexicans are rapist and drug dealer comment came before the access hollywood tape and that was the real beginning of the erosion of norms in politics.
No presidential candidate in the past would have survived that comment
I dunno about that, politicians have been plenty racist in the past. Up through Woodrow Wilson at least it was accepted to be openly racist in public, and as recently as LBJ or Reagan everyone knew they were super racist in their personal actions (LBJ using the N-word, Reagan calling Africans "monkeys") even if they weren't allowed to say it explicitly in their speeches. Reagan had his whole "welfare queen" schtik and straight up went to the Neshoba County Fair talking about "state's rights", which is one of the biggest dog whistles for anti-black people. Nixon's political advisor did an open story with the New York Times saying that his campaign was going to focus on attracting the "negrophobes" into the Republican party. And lots of politicians had already used very strong anti-immigration language - illegal immigrants had frequently been referred to as criminals and drug-runners already, how much further is it to call them rapists?