At what point does rap music completely dissolve into extinction?

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Hip hop is essentially dead.
As far as creating new bboys and bgirls.
Who are culturally aware and skilled in one of the four pillars of hiphop.

Not some classically trained singer, dancer or actor.
Not some culture thief.

moving forward.

We have no way culturally.
to create new bboys or bgirls.
Plus everything has been misappropriated.
to the end of no return and no profitability.

Every business created from the pillars of hiphop.
Has been misappropriated and rendered Into a nondraw. Plus the actual cultural gateway is damaged beyond repair. That no mores or norms of hiphop culture are stressed at all.
Past someone like me being a complete outlier in nature.

Where I am one of one.
where atypically the general person has no idea.
Nor one iota of care for hiphop culture.
To know anything about hiphop.
Past over commercial and misappropriated minstrel show level of rap.

You nikkaz sold out for jiggy and prison industrial economy shyt.
When hiphop actual culture if invested in would have and could have saved the world.

You the general you killed it.

If you cared you would apply yourself to actual hiphop culture.

not rhis parody minstrel show.
you have been purposefully marketed.
Plus in general mass been fooled by as well.

art barr

BK The Great

Nov 21, 2015
Classics will still be talked about, and some new music will be considered in that realm as time goes by.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Hip Hop runs the world now. It's not going anywhere.

What will vanish, are the wack sub-genres that pop up in Rap every few years. Those trends aren't gonna last, as we already see. But Hip Hop's core and what it represents is too globally dominant to ever go anywhere. It's how we all live and operate now, without even noticing it. Waves die, culture doesn't. Hip Hop will always be the dominant force in music.


Ruthless records runs the world.

from the inception of ruthless record's administration and consultative direction of Jerry heller.
Has been marketed in sheer prison industrial economy based anarchy.

Hiphop as an actual real culture has not been really marketed.
in the new school way of thought.
since krs one walked the Chicago public school system.

For the stop the violence movement to segueway from criminal minded.

That now.
In the current now.
krs has fully exposed his hands.
As a pagan who accuses a pedo.
Plus failed to police the new school way of thought he politicized for.

There is no new school way of thought gateway.
to move away from being criminal minded to stop the violence movement.
Criminal minded was created from the sheer American prison industrial economy. That previously Jerry heller was a principle marketing agent of in the genre of misappropriated blues or what we affectionately called rock from the slang word for sex in rock n roll.

Similar to how being an emcee was misappropriated by the word rap or rapper. Where the word rap is misappropriated from white seventy style gateways of slang. That would be the msiappropriated word for how the gateway to rock n roll was iniated.
It is all one big prison industrial anarchist mca way based gateway. purposefully put her and misappropriated to market the prison industrial economy.
After the braintrust of the 1968 national commission on race.

Ever since straight out of Compton was featured and nationally debuted on twenty twenty. Rap the last profitable business from a pillar of rap. Has not been marketed as a cultural construct or extension of actual hiphop culture.

Creating an actual gateway for the prison Industrial complex from the previous prison anarchist complex created by and purposefully for America. To create and become a profitable prison Industrial economy based nation.
Rap as we know it.

Will never showcase much of or any actual components of actual hiphop cultural mores or norms.
In the current construct of rmb renamed as disco, pop, world music, electonica styled and rnb titled Rap or hiphop.

Where from that ruthless records and anything from ruthless records is larger in every possible way to actual hiphop culture. Plus was used to know be the prevalent savage prison anarchist mindstate that runs the world.

Ruthless records runs the world.
Hiphop was just misappropriated and made a mockery of.

to place and deflect blame.

Art Barr


Pass N' Fly Records
Nov 19, 2016
Just like rock & roll, hip-hop will continue to recreate itself as each generation carries the mantle.

Whether older generations embrace the new iterations of it or not.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Classics will still be talked about, and some new music will be considered in that realm as time goes by.


There are no kids in general who know about hiphop actual culture.

There are no relevent gateways for hiphop culture.

If the general you happens to think.

Hiphop culture and skills of pillars in hiphop are and have relevancy.

You have complete disconnect.

Hiphop has no relevancy in modern general public.

There is no analog system.
to create this pr.
to sway hiphop culture or market hiphop culture. There are no gateway marketed mainstream sources.
in the digital age to have permeation. To create hiphop culture into this gateway marketed thing.
you think still has some connectivity.
to what was once there.

This shyt been dead.
heading towards its course.
of being.
a dead draw in the digital age.

Everything really will have no real effect past certain landmarks.
That have to exist.
to create certain business models in this ideal of hold over from the analog era.

Especially as more brick and mortar disappears. Plus the lack of real culture. Which has also destroyed american domestic night life. To create the past non burlesque night life model.
that hiphop used to exist in culturally and socially.
That no longer exists and in that.
Hyper burlesque nightlife that has taken over in nightlife in america.

hiphop will never have gateways.
to create or rejuvenate the nonviolent anti gay and antigang nightlife and knowledge of self social base.
that previously used to exist.

Moving forward that ideal does not exist at all.
Nor will it have a brain trust.
or gateway.
to make or create. The hiphop culturally safe space hiphop culture actually used to be. Nor will it ever be.
as it once was.
culturally as well.

Art Barr

BK The Great

Nov 21, 2015

There are no kids in general who know about hiphop actual culture.

There are no relevent gateways for hiphop culture.

If the general you happens to think.

Hiphop culture and skills of pullars in hiphop are and have relevancy.

You have complete disconnect.

Hiphop has no relevancy in modern general public.

There is no analog system to create this pr to sway hiphop culture or market hiphop culture. There are no gateway marketed mainstream sources in the digital age to have permeation. To create hiphop culture into this gateway marketed thing.
you think still has some connectivity.
to what was once there.

This shyt been dead heading towards its course of being a dead draw in the digital age.

Everything really will have no real effect past certain landmarks.
That have to exist.
to create certain business models in this ideal of hold over from the analog era.

Especially as more brick and mortar disappears. Plus the lack of real culture. Which has also destroyed american domestic night life. To create the past non burlesque night life model.
that hiphop used to exist in culturally and socially.
That no longer exists and in that.
Hyper burlesque nightlife that has taken over in nightlife in america.

hiphop will never have gateways.
to create or rejuvenate the nonviolent anti gay and antigang nightlife and knowledge of self social base.
that previously used to exist.

Moving forward that ideal does not exist at all.
Nor will it have a brain trust.
or gateway.
to make or create. The hiphop culturally safe space hiphop culture actually used to be. Nor will it ever be.
as it once was.
culturally as well.

Art Barr

All I see on apps like twitter and ig are posts about classic albums, songs and rappers from the past. Just certain pages post about the modern rap scene.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
All I see on apps like twitter and ig are posts about classic albums, songs and rappers from the past. Just certain pages post about the modern rap scene.

That is because you have Metadata.

That creates an antiquated bubble.

Which is not indicative of the general basic person in the world.
Where that general basic person in the world has no real gateway.
In general to know to search for.
the things that make up your unique metadata.

From a previous analog to digital segueway

The brain trust and gateway you were marketed.

Even the gateway and braintrust I am made up of
Does not and has no relevancy to the current general person anywhere.

Those individuals have no mainstream marketing permeation to make them aware to search and be aware of rap like that. Let alone actual hiphop culture like that.

Art Barr

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:

Ruthless records runs the world.

from the inception of ruthless record's administration and consultative direction of Jerry heller.
Has been marketed in sheer prison industrial economy based anarchy.

Hiphop as an actual real culture has not been really marketed.
in the new school way of thought.
since krs one walked the Chicago public school system.

For the stop the violence movement to segueway from criminal minded.

That now.
In the current now.
krs has fully exposed his hands.
As a pagan who accuses a pedo.
Plus failed to police the new school way of thought he politicized for.

There is no new school way of thought gateway.
to move away from being criminal minded to stop the violence movement.
Criminal minded was created from the sheer American prison industrial economy. That previously Jerry heller was a principle marketing agent of in the genre of misappropriated blues or what we affectionately called rock from the slang word for sex in rock n roll.

Similar to how being an emcee was misappropriated by the word rap or rapper. Where the word rap is misappropriated from white seventy style gateways of slang. That would be the msiappropriated word for how the gateway to rock n roll was iniated.
It is all one big prison industrial anarchist mca way based gateway. purposefully put her and misappropriated to market the prison industrial economy.
After the braintrust of the 1968 national commission on race.

Ever since straight out of Compton was featured and nationally debuted on twenty twenty. Rap the last profitable business from a pillar of rap. Has not been marketed as a cultural construct or extension of actual hiphop culture.

Creating an actual gateway for the prison Industrial complex from the previous prison anarchist complex created by and purposefully for America. To create and become a profitable prison Industrial economy based nation.
Rap as we know it.

Will never showcase much of or any actual components of actual hiphop cultural mores or norms.
In the current construct of rmb renamed as disco, pop, world music, electonica styled and rnb titled Rap or hiphop.

Where from that ruthless records and anything from ruthless records is larger in every possible way to actual hiphop culture. Plus was used to know be the prevalent savage prison anarchist mindstate that runs the world.

Ruthless records runs the world.
Hiphop was just misappropriated and made a mockery of.

to place and deflect blame.

Art Barr

NWA changed the game, but there was a period between circa 1990 - 1992 where conscious hip hop was popular. ATCQ, and even Ice Cubes first solo album had consciousness in it. You also had Queen Latifah, Kid n Play, Pete Rock & CL Smooth etc.

What you're talking about happened in circa 1992 - 1995 with the rise of Death Row and the east coast sound pivot to more street.

Will Smith even coined it the dark ages of rap.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Swing but that’s out of 50 years

Big Band music from the early 1920s

Doo-Wop was absolved into R&B but what made it distinct is long gone and not coming back


Swing and big band are subgenres of jazz so I wouldn't count them. And doo-wop is an r&b subgenre. Plus that's over 50 years ago. You bring up an interesting point though: music has phases, trends, movements, subgenres. Some things that were very current or mainstream at one point phase out completely. Other stuff sticks around in some form or fashion. You don't hear much trip hop today compared to 1997. Or if you bring something back today, you get hailed as a genius. House music never really died, it simply left the consciousness of black mainstream audiences. But when Beyonce does a house album suddenly certain people think it's the most innovate thing ever. Everything goes in cycles.

Something will happen soon. I need white boys to put down the Playboy Carti records and pick up a bass or something. Let's go.