I threw that in as a sidenote....oh, and you can DAMN WELL BET if The Rock was a great ringmaster you'd be throwing that in.
When it comes to drawing and star power? It means nothing.
But you're off your rocker, Flair RAN the South like I said and definitely had crossover appeal. And he was still big in places like Japan at the same time. If he had been in WWF at the time, he would've been made into the same type of star.
Like you said and who are you? Flair was a big deal down south but he didn't transcend anything. He didn't mean more than Hogan during his run..Hogan was more mainstream and international. Flair put in the work to be called great but he wasn't the
#1 guy in the world of wrestling. Macho Man vs Hogan at WM 5 was bigger than any Flair program in the NWA or WCW.
And for all intents and purposes, he did it longer than Hogan. It can be argued that Hogan was only Hulk Hogan from WM 1-WM 8 or so. After that his appeal started to die and went to WCW and sucked.....then he had to turn heel to revive his career.
Austin, and I love him as my favorite, BUT he was only Stone Cold from like 98-03, and after 01 or so he started to wane.
Flair turned face several times..did fake retirement storylines with Vader as the heel. Had several fukking matches with Hogan. Flair kept turning to stay fresh too..it's much easier to be heel than face. That's why the Hogan heel turn was so shocking and impactful..he was the face of the era and went the other direction. it automatically made him the unapologetic leader of WCW and had them beat Raw and all of their champions in succession in direct competition. Flair can't claim that.
Austin had to retire due to neck injuries and was clearly frustrated. You should know that already though.
At any given point from the mid 80's to the mid 90's, Flair was still a huge draw for WCW/NWA. He wont be remembered as a bigger cash cow, but he was VITAL to the survival of WCW/NWA and whatever other feds he was in. But that really doesnt mattter b/c Cena has probably drawn more money than Flair and you damn sure are not gonna tell me Cena is better than Ric Flair.
No doubt. Flair was a big deal and always drew but never on the Hogan level. His heel turn put them over the top and Sting being face became must see every time he appeared.
Cena is not better than Flair and he's only really drawn in merchandise..he's not soley responsible for PPVs..he's not that vital. Fans cheered him getting injured and the announcement of him coming back. He's a joke.