No amount of security is going to stop 80k people from essentially rioting. The only thing that could happen was to cancel the show once they saw people rush the gates but that would’ve just caused an even worse riot/stampede. There was no recourse for the artist. What happened was going to happen no matter what because that was the intent of the people who started it. The fact is responsibility falls on the people that went to the show. If the venue had the required personnel, then there’s nothing to be done. Any lawsuit will be civil because that’s just about the optics. No criminal or negligence charges will be made if they were staffed appropriately with EMS.Without drugs this was a nightmare waiting to happen. Festivals have a lot of injuries because of crowds, lax security, and poor planning. And people will always find a way to get drugs into events. I know someone who can get coke on cruise ships and we still haven’t figured out how she’s smuggled other drugs and big things of liquor on board when we travel. I somewhat blame festival goers for not looking out for their own safety, it’s not worth it to be at the front of the stage. And festival planners always hand out a bunch of comp passes and let people in after the fact, that’s an easy way to get drugs in and up your body count by a few hundred or a thousand people. The artists have people sneak things in and their entourages are known for selling passes and drugs. The security fukked up, the landowners are really about to screwed. All events at NRG stadium are about to go way up in price to cover the lawsuits and for them to pay higher insurance rates.