Assassins Creed Valhalla to run at 4K30fps on Xbox Series X

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
If you don't have a gaming PC stop commenting you don't know what you are talking about

It can run at 4k 60fps just not at max settings the settings on PC games are always future proof because new hardware comes out every year or two, You can turn the shadows to medium and turn off Anti Aliasing because in 4k you don't need it because their are no jaggies, you can run the game in 60fps

people who do the benchmarks just try to test the extent of the what the card do, there's no reason to have the highest setting on anti aliasing on when you are using 4k resolution, there's no benefit from it and it just drains resources

also with a driver update games run better on new cards it takes a whiles

you don't understand PC gaming

The Game was not made for PC its a port from a console game, the fact this game was made for next gen x box and its locked at 30fps is a no brainer, it has nothing to do with Ubi Soft

You're a moron if you think these consoles are going to run next gen games at 4k in 60fps, Cyberpunk has already been downgraded because of consoles

The only thing this consoles are running at 4k in 60fps are indie games get over

either get a gaming PC or stop talking about this stuff
My god, you're dense. You keep arguing against a point I'm not making, so ...

Obreh Winfrey

Truly Brehthtaking
Nov 18, 2016
You don't have a gaming PC

You're not playing AAA games in 4k at 240fps, most PC gamers play at 1440p for higher frame rates because they play competitive games

Every game is different, max settings just means all the options turned on,

If have the textures at ultra, and the shadows at medium, you would not be able to tell a difference unless it was a game that utilize shadows in a special way

If I turned down the draw distance, to high instead of ultra, I would keep a bump in FPS without noticing a difference

Some games you can have everything on max and it does nothing for the look of the game, and it doesn't hinder performance

some games there is a vast difference between high and very high

Stop talking about stuff you don't know about lmao
So you're saying you can't PC game at 4K60 on max settings? I'm just trying to understand because if you're building top of the line but it can't do it all, isn't that just a waste of money? Are you really future proof if you gotta turn everything down just to get acceptable performance? Does it even make sense to get all in a huff that the consoles will have 4K30 games when PCs have to keep dialing back to get 4K at whatever FPS is popular at the time?

The Wolf Among You

Sep 19, 2015
As long as developers have the choice they’ll prioritize visuals over frame rate, it’s easier to sell a game on “gRAphICS”.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
So, ubisoft says it's currently running at 4k30, you guys are still acting like they said it would be locked at :snoop: and your replies tells me why you do that. Because it can't perform better than YOUR SETUP. You nikkaz are bytches and need hugs...
30 FPS is unacceptable now sorry I don’t want to see or play that shyt anymore
Let the records show this man won't be playing the ps5 version, series x will reach that mountain top and I hope to see you there :salute:
Oh its PS5's fault huh? Not the 4TF Xbox version?
Yes because the xbox architecture scales accordingly, the series s is not and never will be the target system. But because you're feeling a certain type of way you throw up bullshyt hoping it'll stick for a while... like your stepfather :yeshrug:

Fukk outta here

We want 4k/60 period , don’t care what nerds do or have to deal with in nerd world.
doubt it

AC Odyssey can't even hit 60 on a 2080 TI.

It's not the hardware

Ubisoft is notorious for being unoptimized.
This is a blatant lie. You can't word shyt like this then claim you meant something else and still remain credible :stopitslime:
RT in Odyssey? Where? This is about native 4k @60fps in Odyssey. Of course if you lower the settings, you can get to 60fps.

Ultra settings @4K for Odyssey? You're not getting that at 60fps even /w a 2080 Ti.


People shouldn't blame the upcoming consoles for this.

What's funny? Reconstruction techniques are going to be more common going forward. You're not getting any fancy RT on these consoles w/o them.
Xbox ray tracing isn't the same so make sure you brush up on xbox ray tray before you slander the gods like that :ufdup: are you factoring in this...
The jump to RDNA 2 graphics architecture also means support for DirectX Raytracing, using RT acceleration cores to enable more realistic lighting effects in games. Raytracing on the Xbox Series X is offloaded onto dedicated hardware, which can run in parallel to the main CPU and GPU to save on performance.
Real time ray tracing will hardly use any resources and can be used simultaneously effectively making the series x operate like a 24tf console. You'll see since you missed that tidbit...
You don't have a gaming PC

You're not playing AAA games in 4k at 240fps, most PC gamers play at 1440p for higher frame rates because they play competitive games

Every game is different, max settings just means all the options turned on,

If have the textures at ultra, and the shadows at medium, you would not be able to tell a difference unless it was a game that utilize shadows in a special way

If I turned down the draw distance, to high instead of ultra, I would keep a bump in FPS without noticing a difference

Some games you can have everything on max and it does nothing for the look of the game, and it doesn't hinder performance

some games there is a vast difference between high and very high

Stop talking about stuff you don't know about lmao
So then stop acting like you know what the series x will settle on when their games are released :francis: as for what I bolded, you talk like a PC fanboy who constantly lies while telling some truths. The average resolution and frame rate on PC is 1080p/60
PC graphics options explained | PC Gamer

With you being so knowledgeable how am I correcting you? Maybe you just enjoy being disingenuous. Either way, xbox series x got all you nikkaz scared :win:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang


Staff member
May 14, 2012
The whole point of building a 64 core 128 thread liquid nitrogen cooled 1TB RAM 2PB storage 2080 Ti Super RTX OC RGB XYZ is to play these games on max settings at 240 FPS and all that other eye candy shyt that PC gamers be tryna brag about. If you got the top of the line shyt and still can't hit the numbers so you need to start scaling back settings and resolution, what is the point?

This entire post is cap



May 3, 2012
This is a blatant lie. You can't word shyt like this then claim you meant something else and still remain credible :stopitslime:
what are you going on about? I have one post in this whole thread.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
I don't mean to be rude but..

Microsoft Unveils DirectX 12 Ultimate: The GPU Feature Set For the Next Generation of Games

If u wanted done explanation. I'm looking for the video I seen where they say ray tracing won't impact performance. Cuz some ppl can't read too good
I don't need an explanation. I think I understand it fairly well. And what you're posting is fantasy land. I mean, you took the DirectML bullet point and tried to pass that off as an indicator of RT performance when that 24tf # is in reference to its machine learning capabilities.

You're trying to spin AMDs RT implementation into something special on XSX when dedicated hardware acceleration is just a base RDNA2 feature. DXR is just part of the DX12 API. You linked an article about their API.

RT will have a steep performance cost. Nvidia's solution is not free and it's dedicated hardware is far more advanced compared to AMDs

Go watch the XSX MC RT video and then tell me RT will be free.