Y'all are paying closer attention than I am. What are they giving these lames that's supposed to be in their interest, other than the game not coming out when planned? Given, I just skimmed it, but the announcement just seemed like the usual delay placeholder text.
Schrodinger's gaming industry
where TLOU2 and BG3 making a gazillion dollars while neckbeards cry online about diversity but other games can't even break even because of neckbeards online cry about diversity. nobody can tell when cacs derail a game's chances anymore or when the product is just a shytshow unless its convenient.
short version - ubisoft saw the mildest friction on the internet regarding yasuke and leaped at the opportunity to blame the game being nearly a year behind the expected release date on that to hide their internal disfunction.
short version+2 - their stock has been in freefall for years but skull & bones/star wars outlaws flopping back to back after trying to make AAAA happen exposed them to every shareholder and vulture in their market space.
short version+3 - some of ubisoft's original ownership is dodging allegations of not only mismanagement, but likely allegations of poop and scoop market manipulation to tank the value of the company to make it easier to buy back as they go private and restructure.
Ever since Ubisoft bent the knee, my interest in this game is at an all-time low, and I was never that hyped in the first place.
ubisoft never had knees to bend to begin with

and if they did, they bent back to kick folks
French union Solidaires Informatique confirms invites victims to join a lawsuit against Ubisoft over alleged discrimination and harassment.
and for people wondering what happened to splinter cell still? the creative lead and many other leads got canned for the discrimination and harassment
Maxime Béland has resigned from his post at Ubisoft.
A new report has given another insight into the toxic culture reportedly at play within Ubisoft's development studios, …
"we'd love to give our customers proper representation - but we're under attack! please just have more faith in us" was a whole slap in the face and people still ate it up.