Assassins Creed: Shadows (Japan) 2024+


Oct 30, 2017

A Message From the Team on the Animus Hub​

// News

Hello everyone. It has come to our attention that inaccurate rumors have been circulating online regarding the upcoming Animus Hub (ex-codename Infinity). We wanted to take this occasion to clarify that:
  • All the rewards available in the Animus Hub will be entirely free.
  • There are no paid subscriptions or paid battle pass featured in the Animus Hub.
  • Players will have access to regular content & missions at no extra cost.
We will unveil more details about it closer to the launch of Assassin’s Creed Shadows. Thank you!
In reference to the Animus Hub leaks below.


Oct 30, 2017


Hello everyone!
Assassin's Creed Shadows drops February 14, 2025, and we're thrilled to start offering you deeper insight into its gameplay. Through a series of posts over the next few weeks, we'll bring you brand new details on combat, parkour, and exploration.
Let's kick this week off with a stealth overview. While we'll primarily focus on Naoe - one of Shadows' two protagonists, who seamlessly blends classic Assassin techniques with the quiet agility of a trained shinobi - some of these details apply to Yasuke, Shadows' Samurai, as well.
We will be joined by Simon, Associate Game Director, to get additional insights.
All footage is from a work in progress build. Please note that some of the videos in this article may be compressed, which could affect their quality. Make sure to watch in 4K for the best quality.


"Stealth gameplay in Shadows has been ambitiously overhauled in a few key areas," says Simon. "First, the most obvious change for AC players will be the lack of a companion eagle allowing you to scout ahead and map out an entire location. In Shadows, players must rely on their main character's own senses and engage enemies in a more tactical moment-to-moment manner."


Both Naoe and Yasuke have access to the new Observe mechanic, which delivers a fast and easy way to toggle additional information on screen. Observe allows you to identify targets, tag and monitor enemies, and highlight lootable stashes, collectables, and quest objectives. While on a Synch Point, it also allows for close examination of nearby locations.
"The new Observe mechanic is at the core of the Assassin's Creed Shadows experience," says Simon. "When in doubt, take a pause, observe the world around you, and only then should you decide what your next move should be."


Naoe has access to the classic Assassin's Creed Eagle Vision, which allows her to highlight the position of enemies hidden behind walls and other objects and isolate any relevant sounds they make. Eagle Vision is a more dedicated stealth mechanic, encouraging Naoe to slow down and take a moment to better visualize her enemies and relevant gameplay objects - including hiding spots.

Both Observe and Eagle Vision work independently, revealing different sets of information - but Naoe can combine both concurrently to reveal, observe, and tag enemies through walls, a very useful habit to have if you don't want to blunder into a room full of Samurai waiting for you.



For the first time in the Assassin's Creed series, hiding in the shadows will make you invisible to enemies. During nighttime, any pocket of shadows becomes a dynamic hiding spot in which you can progress without being seen. This applies to both interiors and exteriors.

The ability to use shadows in this way invites you to carefully study your environment for hiding opportunities and routes... or create them yourself by destroying lanterns with a shuriken. "Naoe is a perfectly capable shinobi in broad day light," says Simon, "but the cover of darkness gives her a remarkable edge over her enemies - especially on higher difficulty settings."


While Naoe is fast, sprinting while you're attempting to be stealthy in a highly populated environment can be risky. The sound of footsteps will alert guards, who will spot you almost instantaneously. In general, standing up increases your "visibility," so this is where crouching comes into play. Naoe can move quite slowly while in a crouch, with the sound of her footsteps considerably reduced.

Crouching is also particularly effective indoors, minimizing the sound of Nightingale Floors - specifically designed floors that creak whenever someone steps on them - for example, or reducing the chance of bumping into noisy objects.


Naoe and Yasuke are the first protagonists able to go prone in the series. Going prone reduces your "visibility" to enemies even further, whether on the ground, on rooftops, or underwater.

For Naoe, going prone comes with its own set of movements. By pressing the dodge button when in prone, you can roll to the side, front or back; a useful maneuver to quickly employ when a guard approaches. Keep an eye under buildings too; you might just find an opening you can crawl under.


Naoe doesn't have to rely on her stealthy moves alone. She has four primary tools at her disposal to help ensure a quick kill or getaway:

  • Smoke bomb: A classic Assassin tool that creates a cloud of smoke, allowing you to escape or assassinate low-rank enemies without being seen.
  • Shinobi Bells: The perfect tool to distract enemies. By throwing a bell, you can lure guards away from their posts or create an opportunity to sneak past them.
  • Kunai: Kunai are extremely sharp throwing knives that deal a lot of damage and can result in one-shot kills when aimed with precision.
  • Shuriken: Shuriken are sharp, star-shaped throwing weapons that momentarily stun enemies, and are even more useful when thrown into the environment to cause distractions.


Oct 30, 2017


"Naoe is our smallest Assassin to date" says Simon. "And she uses that to her advantage: she can squeeze through tiny wall cracks, and she can hide inside small storage spaces and boxes in order to get the drop on her enemies."


We know that players are always looking for efficiency in their stealth runs, and this is why we are bringing back Double Assassinations in Assassin's Creed Shadows. By equipping the Tanto as one of your main weapons and unlocking the dedicated skill, you can eliminate two enemies standing next to each other at once with your Hidden Blade - whether on the ground or from the air.


While undetected, you can briefly grab and drag enemies in any direction to silently assassinate or take them down non-lethally. This grab mechanic removes some of the automation we've had in the series before. "In Shadows, if you want to assassinate someone from a stalking bush you have to manually grab them, pull them in, and only then can you dispatch them," says Simon.

And this is not all! While we cannot cover everything in this article, know that there will be more stealth opportunities to discover once you get your hands on the game! Including falling stalactites distracting guards in Winter, or swift assassinations through Shoji doors.


While you have plenty of ways to hide and eliminate your targets, enemies will respond in ways that will make your life more difficult when you make mistakes. Servants, for example, are a new type of non-lethal enemy that will alert guards upon seeing you. While they can't fight, their ability to call for reinforcements and raise alarms make them just as threatening as enemies who can. Servants have their own patrol routes, so it's important to keep tabs on them. When using Eagle Vision, they will stand out by appearing in orange.

When infiltrating heavily guarded positions such as Castles and Fortresses, different districts each exist as their own individual arenas. This means that, should you get caught in one pocket, you can still recover, re-engage and keep your stealth run going without having an entire location bearing down on you.


If you get detected and are able to disappear again, enemies will search for you in pairs (one watcher and one seeker) and will remain more suspicious going forward. That means that tactics such as whistling to lure them in will only increase their suspicion and thus their ability to spot you.

This can have an impact on your ability to assassinate from a hiding spot, as these suspicious guards will be more likely to get in the way if you're not cautious enough.


Certain enemy archetypes will present unique challenges to your arsenal. For example, samurai cannot be assassinated when caught in a smoke bomb, as seen in our clip above; instead, they will quickly evade the smoky area. This contrasts with the Ashigaru soldiers or the servants, who can be assassinated in smoke. Samurai are also more prone to deny assassinations, and they can even slice bushes when searching for you, which removes options to hide.

"Samurai are fearsome enemies and cannot be taken lightly," says Simon. "Once alerted, they are hard to trick or lure, as they assume that any tricks you use are just that - a trick to lure them. This will force you to adapt and think harder about how to get the drop on them."

But every challenge brings new opportunities, and smoke bombs can become an effective tool to disperse samurai if you are looking for a quick escape.


Through Shadows' progression system, it's important you focus on developing your stealth skills and abilities. Enemies will have levels based on their archetype and region, so if you neglect Assassin Hidden Blade upgrades, you may find that stronger enemies can completely deny your assassination attempts.

When approaching a target, a white assassination prompt indicates an instant kill, yellow means you will deal some damage, and red signals that the enemy will completely deny your attempt. "When it comes to assassinations, progress and context work in hand," says Simon. "Invest in perks that increase your assassination damage and test things around: A strong enemy may survive a frontal assassination but may die from a sneaky air assassination."

Note that an option in the menu allows you to do insta-kills on all enemies.


While Yasuke is very much built for direct, close-quarters combat, he can still be stealthy when equipped with his bow. Using this ranged weapon, you can engage enemies from a distance without ever needing to draw your katana.

If players are careful and deliberate, Yasuke can also slip behind foes and deliver a devastating assassination with his melee weapons, blending stealth with a more direct combat approach.

We'll have more on Yasuke's skills in our next combat deep dive.

We hope you've enjoyed this look at some of the stealth features you will be able to play around with in Assassin's Creed Shadows. Stay tuned for our next overview, where we will focus on combat!


Oct 30, 2017


Hi everyone!
Assassin's Creed Shadows drops February 14, 2025, and we're excited to keep digging into gameplay details with you. Last time, we broke down stealth, and this week, we're going to round up the fundamental principles of Shadows' combat system.
The protagonist you're playing as and the weapon you're using dramatically alters combat, so read on to learn how samurai Yasuke and shinobi Naoe will clash with the enemy and take down their targets.
We'll be joined today by Charles, Shadows' game director for additional insight.
All footage is from a work in progress build. Please note that some of the videos in this article may be compressed, which could affect their quality. Make sure to watch in 4K for the best quality. HUD setting may vary from one clip to another to showcase examples of customizable options.


We'll start with a quick round-up of the basic principles of Shadow's fight system. Remember that choosing to fight as Naoe or Yasuke - as well as your choice of weapon can alter these building blocks.


Light attacks in Shadows are quick, fluid, and reliable, inflicting small increments of damage. However, some enemy archetypes can power through them and land attacks of their own, so be careful.


Packing a bit more strength, heavy attacks inflict higher damage on most enemies - useful to stagger them and create some space around you.


Holding the input on any attack - that is, pressing and holding the light or heavy attack button - will charge that attack to significantly increase its damage output: this is called a Posture Attack. A Posture Attack can be held indefinitely, allowing you to adjust your distances or change targets. All posture attacks are great at breaking through an enemy's blocking stance - breaking their guard instantly.
"Light attacks can be postured a bit faster than heavy attacks" says Charles, "but heavy posture attacks pack one hell of a punch, if you get the timing right. Take note, though - enemies will watch out for Posture Attacks and attempt to prevent you from charging them, so make you sure to keep your eyes out."
Mixing light, heavy and posture attacks is the best way to build up different types of complex combos.

Assassin's Creed Shadows - Combat Deep Dive: Chaining Posture Attacks


Under certain conditions such as perfect dodge, an enemy can be put in a vulnerable state - a short window in which they can be dealt devastating damage. This vulnerable state is the perfect opportunity to counterattack by unleashing a posture attack or an active ability for maximum damage.


There are a few different ways in which Naoe and Yasuke can defend themselves, some unique to each protagonist. Here's a quick roundup:


Both Naoe and Yasuke can use directional dodges to avoid incoming blows. Naoe's dodges are characterized by directional rolls, whereas Yasuke's are directional steps that keep his stature upright throughout. Though both characters are very reactive, Yasuke's second consecutive directional dodge-step has a slight recovery period, which Naoe doesn't have.


Both Yasuke and Naoe share similar mechanics under the parry/deflection umbrella, but the results vary slightly for each of them. Yasuke's parry mechanic happens on a straight line: when a parry is successful, the enemy bounces back, opening themselves to counterattacks. In short, Yasuke does not back down and does not concede terrain.

Naoe's deflect mechanic requires similar timing but sees her pivot to either side of the enemy, deflecting their attacks away from her. This changes the axis of combat and exposes the enemy's flanks, but it also means Naoe opens herself up to surrounding enemies, pushing you to always stay alert.

Assassin's Creed Shadows - Combat Deep Dive: Block vs. Deflecting


Unique to Yasuke, block mechanics allow him to turtle up behind his weapon and withstand attacks including incoming arrows or kunai - except for unstoppable attacks, which are detailed further below.
"These subtle differences in attack and defense are really what makes the control of each character unique - and adaptable to your ideal playstyle." says Charles.


Skills and abilities can also be acquired and learned throughout your journey to further develop your combat repertoire. Some of these are active abilities that are triggered manually in combat to deal more damage; some are combo variations or extensions; others introduce new mechanics that require precise timing and new tactical approaches. These will be crucial to surprise your enemies, and, as they are tied to your progress, will give you an ongoing sense of growth within your combat mastery.

We'll have more to say about progression later, but right now we can say that gaining levels or defeating specific foes will reward you with Mastery Points, which you can spend in the different Mastery trees to unlock weapon-based skills and abilities, amongst other things. This progression loop will allow you to put your skills to the test by facing strong opponents and be rewarded with new moves to learn.

Assassin's Creed Shadows - Combat Deep Dive: Naginata Crescent Strike

"Active abilities are by far the most powerful skills to acquire" says Charles. "They look cool, they hit hard, and they all offer additional opportunities like gap-closing, armor-breaking - even health regeneration."

Players can also earn passive skills, which work in the background to make you more efficient and powerful in combat. These include adrenaline regeneration increase, basic health increase, time dilation for longer window of opportunities, and more.


"In essence, our core fight mechanics are the same for Yasuke and Naoe" says Charles, "but as samurai and shinobi, respectively, they each have their own weapon types and abilities that make them feel very different from one another."

Despite Naoe's formidable stealth prowess - as detailed in our previous post - she's no pushover when it comes to combat. Quick and agile, she can make short work of a single enemy with her barrage of attacks, but as the number of enemies increase, she will be at a significant disadvantage due to her lack of armor and limited combat resources.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, Yasuke stands as a stalwart warrior ready for prolonged , knock-down-drag-out combat scenarios. For instance, the last attack in each of his combos (i.e., combo-enders) will break an enemy's guard without relying on posture attacks.

While both characters can carry two weapons and switch between them in combat, Yasuke is also the only protagonist with the ability to switch weapons mid-combo, via the link-attack ability, which allows him to rapidly string together attacks and weapon abilities in a continuous flow.

"Yasuke has a few unique samurai tricks up his sleeves" says Charles. "One of them is the Sheathed Posture Attack, where he will charge-up an opening attack while his katana is still in its sheathe. On top of looking quite iconic, most enemies won't see that one coming if timed correctly."

Assassin's Creed Shadows - Combat Deep Dive: Sheathed Posture Attack


Both protagonists have a unique selection of weapons available to them - which offer their own set of abilities. Among other strengths, Naoe's weapons unlock unique stealth opportunities, while Yasuke's offer a variety of strategies to be deployed in combat.

Here's a look at each of their weapon types:



Naoe's katana is well-balanced and versatile; it offers a good balance of speed, damage output and defense. Well-timed attacks can stagger enemies, opening windows for posture attacks. The Katana unlocks the ability to assassinate enemies through shoji doors.
Assassin's Creed Shadows - Combat Deep Dive: Katana Combat


The fearsome Kusarigama is Naoe's best option for crowd control. Its extendable ball-and-chain can reach enemies at a distance and push back numerous enemies all at once, while its scythe is adept at giving a single enemy a very close shave. The Kusarigama unlocks the ability to Rush Assassinate enemies up to 10 meters away.

Assassin's Creed Shadows - Combat Deep Dive: Kusarigama Combat

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Oct 30, 2017


Hidden Blade combat marks its return when combined with the tanto dagger. Combining whirling slashes and lightning-fast stabs, it is the ideal weapon for that strike-and-retreat, death-by-a-thousand-cuts playstyle. The Tanto and Hidden blade combo unlocks the ability to perform Double Assassinations
Assassin's Creed Shadows - Combat Deep Dive: Tanto and Hidden Blade



The legendary samurai weapon - scaled up to match Yasuke's size - is versatile and well-balanced. Equally efficient in attack and defense, it is an excellent choice in a one-on-one duel or in the middle of a large-scale skirmish.

Assassin's Creed Shadows - Combat Deep Dive: Katana Duel


Standing at over two meters in length and sporting a sharp bladed tip, the Naginata is Yasuke's weapon of choice for crowd control. It is very efficient at keeping enemies at bay as well as dealing damage to multiple enemies surrounding you.


Perhaps Yasuke's deadliest weapon - and definitely his heaviest - the kanabo can break through enemies' defenses and pulverize armor with the slightest hit. But its deadliness comes at the price of speed and mobility. For the kanabo players, timing will be everything.


The great Japanese Yumi Bow allows Yasuke to attack unsuspecting enemies from a significant distance and strike them down with precision. Its variety of arrows offer an array of interesting strategies, and mastering accuracy will increase its efficiency.

Assassin's Creed Shadows - Stealth Deep Dive: Yasuke Bow


The Teppo flint rifle combines destructive power with high lethality. Its raw power offers more range than the bow and great armor penetration - albeit with a slow fire rate and even slower reload time. The Teppo is a good opener when you don't mind being noticed.

Mastering a weapon takes time and dedication. In Shadows, players gain experience through combat, earning Mastery points that can be spent on their favorite weapon type to unlock new abilities.


"As you progress and discover new locations in Japan, you will encounter stronger and tougher enemies," says Charles, "each with new abilities and move sets that challenges different aspects of your fight mastery."

The enemies in Shadows are numerous and varied, but for simplicity's sake, we've categorized some of them under a few broad families:


Outlaws are opportunists that prey on the weak, and for what little combat training they have, some make up for it with unusual tactics. Be wary of their brutes, who can still be incredibly deadly.


Ashigaru are the conscripts and volunteers forming the bulk of any clan's armies, carry basic weapons and fight using conventional tactics. They tend to be more aggressive towards Naoe, and are fearful of Yasuke.


Masterless samurai perpetually seeking their next meal, most Ronin are in the employ of Naoe and Yasuke's enemies; they roam the roads and will attack on sight if they recognize you. Former samurai themselves, Ronin are well-trained, and their disheveled looks are deceiving.


Superb warriors, well-trained and fierce in combat, samurai can carry a wide variety of weapons, from their trusty katana to the mighty kanabo; they can also wear an impressive selection of armor sets - including some very high-level End-Game sets - and employ a surprising number of attacks and counterattacks in a fight.

If you can catch them unaware, samurai can be easy pickings for a shinobi, but as soon as they know a threat might be lurking nearby, their vigilance and battlefield awareness make them formidable foes.


An offshoot of the samurai family, Daisho are enemy types that can only be found in military castles. They have unique fighting styles that mix a lot of techniques, and they are a stiff combat challenge all by themselves - let alone when surrounded by other samurai.

Samurai Daisho are the gateway to some of the best loot in the game though, so they are worth the time and effort.


An elite group of badass samurai, Guardians are used as reinforcements when the alarm is raised in any given province. With their unmistakable white manes and facemasks, Guardians aim to strike fear in their opponents, and offer some of the most difficult combat you'll find in Shadows.


Recognizing the patterns and tactics of your enemies will ensure you gain the upper hand in any situation. Here's a brief look at some of the mechanics and challenges you will face in Shadows:


Flurry attacks are marked by a distinctive blue glint on the enemy's weapon. They are a short succession of attacks that won't stop even if you successfully block, parry, deflect or dodge them; the next blow in the series will come at you, no matter what.

Advanced players may attempt to parry/deflect each successive blow to trigger the enemy's vulnerable state, but parrying/deflecting only the last attack won't be enough: you need to deal with the entire sequence to put your enemy on their back foot.


Unstoppable attacks are marked by a distinctive red glint on the enemy's weapon; they are hard-hitting, highly kinetic attacks that should ideally be dodged. Blocking, parrying, or deflecting an unstoppable attack will defuse much of its energy, but it will break your character's guard and leave you open to follow-up attacks.

Advanced players may want to fine-tune their dodge timings, because a perfect dodge against an unstoppable attack will trigger the enemy's vulnerable state.

Watch some of these enemy attacks in action.

Assassin's Creed Shadows - Combat Deep Dive: Enemy Flurry and Unstoppable Attacks


While under attack, enemies have a variety of reactions available to them to attempt a momentum shift. These are called defensive actions, and they can vary from a simple step back that avoids a single blow, all the way to lightning-fast unstoppable counterattacks that will challenge your nerves.

Generally, the more enemies are involved in a fight, the less defensive actions each of them will perform, confident that their numbers will be enough to overwhelm you. But in a one-on-one duel against a highly skilled warrior, defensive actions will be numerous and nearly constant, pushing you to diversify your attacks and utilize every move you learnt along the way.

That's all we had this week! There will be many opportunities to test your skills in combat in Assassin's Creed Shadows, from surprising encounters in the world, fight tournaments or dueling against legendary opponents. We can't wait for you to explore all the depth of that system when you get your hands on the game, on February 14th.

Make sure to catch up on our previous article dedicated to stealth, and stay tuned for our next overview, where we will explore Parkour.


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY


"Naoe's the fastest Assassin we ever made," Jonathan Dumont, creative director of Assassin's Creed Shadows, tells Entertainment Weekly. "She runs super fast, she has a lot of gadgets to keep her stealth so that she doesn't have to fight often. We wanted to satisfy that for players that come in for that ninja-Assassin game."

Anime fans will even be able to pull off their own "Naruto run": leaning forward, arms bent back, sprinting at full speed. "We do have a run on top of buildings that has a little bit of a wink-wink to it," Dumont hints.
The creative gives EW exclusive insights into Naoe's backstory in the game, which is set against the backdrop of feudal Japan, specifically the Sengoku period. Naoe hails from the Iga province, a rural, remote locale in the middle of the country that also plays into the origins of the shinobi — or ninjas. While the narrative of Yasuke introduces players to the nobility of this era, Dumont says the creative team wanted to show the opposite with Naoe: the day-to-day, relatable, hardworking farmhands.
Assassin's Creed Shadows plays out through the dueling perspectives of both Yasuke and Naoe. Their stories start to collide in 1579, the year that the son of feudal lord Oda Nobunaga, the daimyō Yasuke serves, tries and fails to invade Iga. "[Naoe] was shielded by her father from what's happening in the world, and it comes crashing down," Dumont explains. "She is pushed into war. She doesn't know much about her origins. Her father's been training her, but she doesn't know much about her mother, who's been gone. But as a cool proverb from Japan says, 'a frog in a well knows nothing of the sea.' She is tossed into the real world, and through that, she will learn that she is not just a shinobi, that there is a little bit of a lineage or at least some mystery about some sort of different type of shinobi. They're Assassins, so she's somewhat linked to that."
Dumont declines to go much further into detail to preserve some of the story points, but he teases how, as she learns more about what it means to be part of the world of Assassins, she'll have to navigate a Japan in the midst of war. "She will start a bit of a path of vengeance or fulfilling a promise that she made to her family," he says. "As she discovers a world in need, she begins to really value the community values her father taught. Can she make a better world? [She realizes] they are people who cannot defend themselves, which is tied a little bit more to the models of the [Assassin] Brotherhood."
As seen in EW's exclusive images from Shadows, a kid by the name of Junjiro becomes a focal point. He's "the future Naoe hopes Japan will be," Dumont notes.

Naoe's storyline is very much entangled in the character's skillsets, which involve a grappling hook that allows her to swiftly scale tall structures; kunai and smoke bombs that allow her to distract targets; and a Hidden Blade, the signature weapon of an Assassin, she can use to take out her targets. Each item is linked to an element from her backstory, specifically the survival skills imparted by her father. "The Hidden Blade is given by her father, and we're going to learn a little bit more what that means," Dumont says. Altogether, "She does feel like a panther looking at her prey."



May 6, 2012


Young Skull
Nov 17, 2016
Chicago, IL