Rollo Goodlove
Palestine Titty
I would upload a pic but I don't want these hoez flooding me
Geedaow :Drudown:
Geedaow :Drudown:
I knew yall mufukkas be doing this weird shytYou sitting right next to me
Where women approaching you at? club and bar don't count. I've had chicks stand near me or right beside me, but I can't recall much direct approaches. I don't count a chick calling you cute to your face as you walk past them as approaching tho.You ain't truly part of pretty nikka clique unless bytches approach you breh.
Like a young Lance Gross out here
You alright nikka
do women eat your bussy?
idk in high school I kept to myself outside a close group of friends. People did question my sexuality like asking me if I ever kissed a girl, had sex etc but I did holla at chicks tho. I had a mysterious vibe to most chicks. And I did get the arrogant thing, but it ain't the same for women. Women can be very catty and many of y'all place a lot of value on your looks. So it's a given a chick might be accused of being a hoe just for talking to a dude or because she's very attractive.
I wasn't hollering at every chick to have rumors about me being a player. And at the school I'm at now it's like 40k people on this campus.
I agree but disagree. Men do the approaching. Most women ain't really on that aggressive tip to where they are running game on dudes to trap'em. They do it more so subtly and indirectly. You still gotta approach. And if you are up on game, you know what type of chicks to avoid.
Being a multi millionaire is on a different level though. Women will leave their numbers on your windshield if you drive a sports car. That shyt is easy as hell.
6'1-2How tall are you? I'm 6 4 and a half and I get similar reactions.
To Islam?
I'm Zen Buddhist pleighgirl
every racewhat race you get play from tm
I feel that they say you don't pull until you get play from every racesevery race
yeah I was volunteering a couple months ago and we were building a garage. Me and this dude were shooting the shyt, talking, laughing, having fun while working. And a group of girls a couple feet away are watching us, and one says "I thought they were gay". That shyt ain't make no sense to me and I don't know why she said that but ight.I had to tell that guy to chill and not to stress over it. It was mentally fukking him up because some people close to him even asked him on his sexuality. Nothing aside from him being attractive would make someone assume he is gay. He was very masculine and posts and talks about nothing but women.
I have some friends who do consider some men "too pretty" and for that will say he is probably gay until proven otherwise. Sometimes too pretty to the point that they think he's butt ugly.
What I've noticed generally is women aren't so much hung on looks as in everything else and how the package is put together. How he dresses, speaks, his past, his beliefs, if he's a leader, sometimes how other women may view him, how his demeanor is, strength/roughness. Being a cute/handsome guy alone won't get you far. It can get women far though.