Save a couple of dollars. Depending on where you go, it beats a hotel. For instance, I'm looking at going to a college football game in Florida and everyone is taxing because it's during the season. A shytty Motel 6 wants $300 a night. I can get an AirBNB for less than that for the weekend.
u sure? I was looking up places in Milwaukee for the NBA Finals
and prices were up. U just renting a room? Usually the prices of hotels coincide with the prices of AirBNBs
I’ve had some great Airbnb experiences fukk what y’all talking bout acting like they’re a bad thing. Then again people on here think lyft and Uber is a dumb thing.
Niccas is dense. Now UBER is the new norm, but these would be the SAME NICCAS saying "I aint gettin in no stranger's car
" (like a cabbie is your best friend's dad or something
) Obviously not every AirBNB is great but the majority of my experiences have been GREAT! I had one
Greek immigrant host me in Berlin Germany earlier this year tho. Other than that.....A1!