Bone really isnt for everyone . I guess Wu isnt either....but they have albums that everyone would consider classic. Bone always sounded like some damn chickens clucking over beats to me.
Bone really isnt for everyone . I guess Wu isnt either....but they have albums that everyone would consider classic. Bone always sounded like some damn chickens clucking over beats to me.
wu-tang forever is a classic now?
Let me guess because of"art of war" is better than "wu-tang forever" rather easily imo.
this doesnt make sense, seeing that more people f*cked wit bone.
uhhh I cant picture Wu on Unsung breh...a show meant for relics no one gives a fukk about.
There are a lot of wu supporters in this thread breh,you might have picked the wrong one to tag me in.
wutang voters
There should be a poll.i noticed most of the people voting wutang