I've personally registered 1000's of black people to vote in my short adult life... 5 sec in the those convos I know that the vast majority of those people didn't know about any issues they simple know basic rhetoric and programmed behavior - just like most Americans. lol, most people only vote party line in the big ones - but I basically told the mass of black what a good mark is on propositions and local candidates and the majority just go w it cuz they trust proper sounding and seemingly educated young black men (especially women)..well, i am very liberal on a lot of issues, so i will tend to vote for people that want to strengthen "socialist" policies, i am not a warmonger, so i will avoid neocons, i believe in regulation, i believe in protecting the environment, i like unions, basically, you know what liberals are, that is me and i will very likely continue voting for the candidates that profess those values, most of them tend to be democrats.
so now back to my question. are you actually assuming people dont vote based on policies? are you white or something?
The Dems used to be better for social issues, but they have blacks trained now... most liberals desperately don't have a choice - because the neo cons and gop are so off the hook for domestic policy.... But on the flip side some of the ideas (low key) of some liberals are exactly what black people don't need.... so it's a cluster fukk trying to exercise your black voting rights in this nation... It would better for us to go economic warfare and build more unity as a opposed to voting for either side of our oppressors coin.