some have helped. i got my degree with federal financial aid. but no policy can erase the legacy of historical racism, or the achievement tax that contemporary racism has on us.that is a policy that has to change in the hearts of each and every cac across the country...or until their numbers drop significantly. whichever comes first
obama inherited two wars and ended one of them. he is drawing down the second one, and so far has avoided starting any new wars. he is not perfect, i disagree with sending weapons to syria, but he is a net gain over mccain and romney. that is a fact. mccain was singing "bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb iran" before the election for christs' sake. mccain would be sending troops right now, and romney would be doing anything a puppet and schill for any industry would want right now.
dems are definitely losing on regulations, and a vote for republicans would just speed up the process, so what are my options?
the PPACA has had a negligable impact on work hours, and the gains are already signifcant. people with preexisting conditions (even pregnant women couldnt get new policies) can now get covered. people can stay on their parents' insurance longer. woemn cant be charged more than men, etc. i like it, breh
so if you think i am mindlessly voting, then you are either a troll or so partisan that you cant get your head out of your ass
i dont assume that sly and kingpin dont vote for policies, even if i dont agree with them. in HL, we dont do dumb shyt like this, or at least we try not to, LOL